- 그게 끝이야

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- (This chapter contains quite alot of gore - if your squeamish or uncomfortable I'll warn you to skip.)

Hyunjin wiped the blood from his face, slipping two fingers in his mouth to explore the now aussie's blood on his tongue. The salty iron taste made him smile. 

Changbin stood still, inhaling a fresh breath of air. Drenched in his brothers blood was the most amazing feeling. It was wrong yet he deserved it. Every ounce of it. 

Hyunjin had an idea, grabbing a chainsaw from the table of weapons sprawled out for them to use.

Changbin watched as he turned the machine on a high speed, the razor whirling slicing the air. Hyunjin's smile was so adorable he could eat him up. 

Moving towards the body of the beautiful Felix now lifeless, Hyunjin bent down.

(warning!: gore.)

zzzzzzzz. More blood flowing around.

How much blood did one body even carry?

arms, legs. intestines floating around. well this was a bloodbath. 

Changbin played around with his brothers body parts like a 5 year old receiving prizes at a carnival. He flung his arms and legs around, pretending to be Felix making Hyunjin laugh once in a while. He wrapped his intestines as a scarf, having their fun. Felix's beautiful body was now their plaything, It meant nothing to them. It was mere to the dirty laundry or old clothes you throw after its use.

Hyunjin had so much fun tricking Felix into his pet and having fallen into his trap. Who knew humans emotions were so naive. You think he actually loved Felix? That's what everyone makes us bound to believe. People will always deceive your emotions, make you feel like your their only love destined for them. 

Lies. Bullshit. words are nothing. actions show. behavior shows. It shows how much they care from a single hug in the morning, a kiss to ease your nerves or even hold you close as you breakdown. They would listen to you talk and talk without ever getting lonely or bored as you were their sunlight. Their sunshine. From the first dates, the first arguments and the scars and to learn from that, to your embarrassing moments about the true you and getting someone to love you down to earth. They'd never let you go, why would they cheat if they loved you? Its the insecurities that scar you. You'd feel lucky to have them in your life everyday, seeing their face, touching them or even talking to them made your entire day better. The memories you spent with them would never fade, providing a safe reminder during your rough days. You'd comfort their insecurities - vice versa making each other feel empowered.  That's love. 

Too bad Hyunjin and Changbin didn't feel that towards Felix. Now this was a classic example of the twisted humans in this world who's feelings have been numbed to hurting others - for simple pleasure or their own past trauma affecting their lives. No remorse is held. It's a dark, dreary world we live out there. 

No one noticed Hyunjin's weird behaviour didn't they? Felix overlooked it, you might have too.

 getting to know a person's personal details so quick was so off, yet Felix didn't bother. He trusted Hyunjin so much, despite how Hyunjin was to him.

knowing the signs of a toxic being or someone caring is tough, yet the signs show us slowly. 

Beware folks. 

Now the two boys sat on the railing of a bridge, watching the sunset - The dried blood had settled on them. Thank god they were somewhere secluded, imagine seeing two guys sitting together with blood on them. pretty suspicious. 

Their hands intertwined, they laughed. Laughed till their heads might pop off.

Their mission was done. 

They had eliminated the beautiful freckled boy who's life seemingly was so beautiful, yet no one knew the horror behind it. 

He was erased from sight, a click of a button. 

The two would still continue their life of crime, although Felix was their target atmost. He was gone and No one felt sorry for him. BM and his gang? Of course they moved on too. Who would bother worrying about Felix? 

The two boys stretched as a black car parked by them, getting inside. Hyunjin's long slender hand stuck his middle finger out and off they went.

Onto a new life of crime.


𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘦 | 𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘹Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora