"Harry, you're still on that? It happened a week ago."

"Yeah, and I still have food poisoning. So thanks a lot for that."

Zayn scoffed.

"Are you sure you're not exaggerating now? You can be a bit dramatic and when you do that you can make yourself sick."

"Huh? No way you're serious. Do you think I like puking or something? Who would make themselves sick for no reason? How does that even make sense to you?"

Now there was a heavy exhale. "Am I still on speaker?"


"Can you take me off of it?"

He took him off speaker and then put the phone up to his ear.

"You're off speaker. What do you want to say?"

"I'm sorry for saying that. I shouldn't have implied you were faking sick in front of Benjamin. Or at all. But I just don't understand. You only had one piece of sushi from the Nigiri platter."

"Yeah, but it was raw fish. And on top of that, I also ate shrimp, crab, octopus and whatever else you wanted me to try from that soup."

"Harry, I ate the same thing. In fact, I ate more because you had the Salmon en Papillote."

"So? I still ate a lot of food. I don't see how mixing all those dishes can be good for anyone."

"Well, I don't see how it can be that bad either."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Well, whatever. I know how I feel when I stand up and I know when I go puke it's not because I made myself do it. So if you want to come over here and play with the playdoh, be my guest. But don't suggest I'm a faker because I'm not faking."

There was a sigh of frustration.

"Harry, don't get defensive. I'm not saying you're faking. I'm just saying it's concerning at this point. A few days ago when we were having sex, you had to get up and vomit. And I was in the middle of a climax. That ruined the whole mood."

"Then would you just like it better if we didn't have sex at all? I mean, I did say if the food wasn't good we wouldn't have sex for a while. I was clearly joking, but if you're going to be like this, maybe I should have been more serious."


Harry hung up before Zayn could say anything. That's when he saw Benjamin there, looking confused as ever. He didn't mean to mention having sex in front of his son. He was just upset with Zayn.

As he was feeling bad about what he had done, his phone rang. He didn't really want to answer it. But he also didn't want Benjamin to see him ignoring his father. So he answered.

"What do you want, Zayn?"

"I'm sorry. Let's not make each other upset over something like this . Let's just... talk about how you're feeling right now. I know you're vomiting. But how bad is the fever and the diarrhea?"


"If you have food poisoning, you're likely to have those other symptoms. And if your food poisoning has lasted this long, that would mean you had a bad case of it and you definitely would have had at least one of those other symptoms by now."

Harry paused as he watched Benjamin leave the room.

"But I haven't."

"Are you sure?"

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