My FP Is Gone

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It's just hit me... My sister. My previous FP is gone. She moved to Alaska on the 6th but it's finally registered with my brain. Whenever I needed her I could just go to her house. Stay with her a couple days or even a week of I wanted. I literally stayed alive for years for her. She was my one reason to not kill myself. Now she's gone. She married her one and only, has a baby on the way and moved to Alaska. Wjat a dream come true. I'm so happy for her but I'm so sad that she's not here anymore. No longer a bus ride away. I spent the remaining months she was here with my ex. I regret it. K could have been at my mom's spending time with her but I spent all my time with him because I thought he loved me. I chose a guy over my favorite human on this earth. I'm so stupid. I haven't seen her since I moved out in September. I've FaceTimed with her once. She gave me a tour of the house. It's cute. Perfect for them. I want that too. She found her little happy ending. I'm just happy she's finally getting treated the way she deserves. Her whole life she's been treated like shit by people she loves. Including me when I was younger. Ugh.. I just miss her. I miss being stupid with her.

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