Confidence Boost.

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I feel so sexy now that my hair is red. My bland hair is finally gone. I loved the fact that my hair was so healthy because I didn't do anything to it. If I wanted to have fun colors I would wear wigs. It got to the point I wasn't comfortable going out without my wigs. I feel like I could wear a really hot goth outfit, or even a girly outfit and just rock my hair the way it is right now. It's just cute and playful. And yay! I didn't fry it. It's still healthy and soft. It's been since last may that I dyed my hair. I just love it. I love the confidence you get from giving your look a little umph. Like piercings, or tattoos. I strive to look hotter after every breakup. Since the breakup with my ex, I've pierced the other side of my nose so now I have 4 nostril piercings. And switched it up qnd put a chain linking them. *super cute*. I've gotten a half sleeve tattoo, covering all my self harm and suicide attempt scars. And now. I'm a hot ass redhead who is about to have my lips done at in a few days. Fuck. Yes. I'm doing it. I can't wait.

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