Why Am I Never Enough?

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This feeling of despair in my heart means something. I know something is going to happen. It usually happens when I'm about to get dumped. I know it's coming. I need to prepare myself. I'll be okay  I need to remember that. I'll. Be. Okay. I have a job. I have a place of my own. I have transportation. My meds. I'll be okay. It's a temporary setback. If I prepare myself now it won't hurt as much later. It will however prove myself right. Nobody wants me. Nobody stays. I'm too much. I'm baggage. I'm broken. Unlovable. A mess. But it's okay. Maybe one day I'll be okay with being alone. Maybe one day I'll find comfort in solitude. I wish that day was today. I know this will hurt. It always does. But I pick myself up. I just want love though. I want to be loved and treasured. This isn't fair. Why do I drive everyone away? What's so wrong with me? Why am I never good enough for anyone? I'm so full of love and kindness. Fuck! WHY AM I NOT ENOUGH!

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