𝟗 -- 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡 𝐛𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫

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The people started running away as they started to see the blue man floating mid-air and started shooting electricity from the power of the screens from around the time square. I continued to watch as I was finding where Peter was. I sudden pressure of water hit the blue man in the air. I looked at who did it seeing Peter with the fireman's using the fire hydrant with an inserted hose in it.

The blue man was defeated as he loses power from the water. Police started surrounding the blue man as Peter approached me, still with his Spider-Man customer. I looked at him sadly.

"England? Really?" I didn't talk back when he knew he wasn't getting answers from me, he just walked away. 

"Good talk." 


I was still sleeping when I heard my phone ringing early in the morning. I searched for my phone on my bedside table and put the vibrating phone to my ear after I answered the call. 

"Hello?" I started, I didn't have time to check who was calling me and just answered it randomly. I was too lazy to check.

"Hi, Ana? It's me, Harry."

"Oh, hi, Harry. What time is it?" I groaned as I remained my eyes closed still feeling sleepy.

"Uh, late, early, I don't know. I've been up all night. I need to see you." I confusingly sat up from my head after he said that.

"Are you ok, Harry?"

"Not really, Ana. I'm dying. But I think you can help me save my life."

"What are you talking about, Harry? Why are you dying? We just talked the other day, you seemed-" I was cut off by the phone hanging up on me. "-Fine." I sighed and stood from my bed.


I was seated in the conference room where Harry wanted me to be as he was sitting in front of me from the other side of the table when the door behind me opened. I looked behind me seeing Peter was also there. Harry didn't say anything and played a video on the TV. He didn't seem like to be himself right now so I rather stayed silent.

"You're looking at the world's first human-spider hybrids." The first male said from the screen and another male voice started to talk. 

"The hope is to extract the venom from their glands and turn that into a cure." It was Peter's father that was shown who was talking. I know that man is his father because I saw a picture of him with Peter when he was still a child. "An agent that heals diseased cells. And if I can be cured," I looked at Harry, he seems so anxious about something about this healing a disease kind of thing. "Imagine what this could do for other diseases."

"Like Alzheimer's, even cancer." The other male scientist said. Harry touched the top of the table as I didn't realize it was high-tech and was connected to the TV as the video paused.

"They never made it to human trials." He started. "It's 14 years of research, and nothing to show for it." Harry stood up and looked at us. "Except maybe this." He grabbed something, a newspaper, and slammed it hard on the table making me slightly flinch. I look at the image of what he's talking about seeing Peter's picture on it in his Spider-Man customer. I slightly gulped. I have a bad feeling about this, I thought. "Spider-Man."

"What about him?" Peter asked.

"He was bitten by one of those things, and it worked." Harry said in a loud voice, me and Peter knew things would fucked up if one of us slipped through our words. I remained calm but I could feel my insides starting to get cold from my nervousness. "I don't know how, and I don't know why, but he can do everything else a spider can, including self-heal." Why did I even agree to do this? "I need to find him. I need his blood." I slowly stood up which was the cause of Harry staring at me.

"Do you mean you need... Spider-Man's blood?" 

"It'll save my life." He answered.

"It may not, Har. It may not be that simple. You saw what happened to Curt Connors, right?" Peter said.

"Connors was weak. This is me, Peter." He then looked at me. "This is me, Ana." 

"I don't think you can just set up a van and have him donate his blood." I told him. "I mean, I'm sure he's sensitive about people showing needles and..."

"Ah, he's sensitive, ok." Harry scoffed. I sat back down to my seat after I told him my side. "Well, then, maybe you Peter, could just sensitively tell me where he is, and I'll go ask him myself."

"What?" Peter said as we both eyed Harry, this wasn't the Harry I met, this is the other side of the Harry I knew. He sat on the table and eyed the newspaper. 

"You took his picture." I eyed the newspaper sideways as I saw on the bottom right says 'Photograph by Peter Parker'. 


"You know him."

"Harry. I took a picture from a long way away. I used a long lens. I don't know him."

"I put together what you said at the river. About how he gives people hope. Come on. Just say yes." Peter stood up, and I did also trying to stop because I know Harry is not in the right temper to act like that.

"Peter." I said quietly as Harry walked towards Peter.

"Don't turn your back on me!" Harry said that made me shocked as he forced Peter to look at him. "I don't wanna end up like my father, Peter. Please. Peter, please. I can't." His voice started to get calm. He hugged Peter as I approached him and patted Harry's back. "Please." Harry pulled away.

"I'm gonna try and find Spider-Man." Peter said while he was looking at me. Thank god, Harry wasn't looking at us. I eyed him as if telling him if he was serious, he just looked at me and slightly nodded his head. I sighed. Peter pushed the door and exited the room. Harry was still not looking from either of us. Peter glanced at me as if telling me if I was ok to stay here and I just gave him a single nod.

I turned to Harry seeing him still sad about his situation and I didn't hesitate to pull him to a hug. He hugged me back and assured him that everything would be ok someday, like how he assured me when I was the one crying on his shoulder.

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄 | peter parker ( andrew garfield )Where stories live. Discover now