𝟒 -- 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐌𝐚𝐧

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As we were walking down the streets, I started to hear police sirens from a distance, until it came passing by in our direction. Peter halted and looked at the cops to where it's headed to. He then looked at me. "Sorry, I forgot to run an errand, is it ok if...?"

"Yeah, it's ok, I'll just call my mom to pick me up." He nodded and said goodbye. Weird. He ran towards where the cops are headed but then suddenly changes direction to an alley. Was he that nosey, or just a coincidence? Whatever. I decided to call my mom.

"Yes, hon?"

"Hi, mom. Could you pick me up? A friend asked me if he could walk me home, but suddenly he forgot he had to run an errand?"

"Sure, hon. But did I just hear that right? You made a friend on your first day? And it's already a 'he'?"

I sighed. "Yep, you heard it right. I'll just send you the address mom so you could pick me up."

"Ok, sweetie. I love you."

"I love you too, mom." I remove the phone from my ear and hang up the phone. I send my mom the address and just waited at the spot. I gasped when someone pulled me into an alley, I know it was a guy by just how he gripped on me, he has his hands on my mouth. When he successfully dragged me into the alley he quickly walked right in front of me with a knife in his hands, pointing it towards me. 

"Stay quiet and give me everything you have." I just stayed calm and didn't show fear.

"Are you kidding me? It's just my third day in New York and this is how you guys wanted to welcome me? How rude."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GIVE ME YOUR BAG!!" He shouted right in front of my face. He was about to take my bag from me when a sudden web landed on his knife and took it. I looked up to see a man in blue ad red tights sticking on the wall. Is that Spider-Man?  He jumped and landed in front of me but his back was facing me. How strange, I thought. He has the same height as Peter and has a body shaped like Peter. Is that how long I've been staring at Peter to describe him with other guys? 

"There's no need to shout, my guy. I already can hear you from a mile away, that's why I'm here." Then Spider-Man looked at me over his shoulder. "Are you alright?" I just nodded, he even sounds like Peter, what the hell? I guess I was just too stunned to speak right now. Spider-Man then turned to the thief again and placed a stop sign hand in front of him. "We can talk about this, man." Then I noticed the thief's hand was in his back slowly going up as if he was grabbing something from his back.

"His hand." Then Spider-Man looked at me through his shoulders again.


"KNIFE!!" I yelled. Spider-Man's head quickly snapped to the thief man. Unfortunately, the thief has an extra knife and he swung it at Spider-Man's left palm as Spider-Man started to hiss because of the pain. I can already hear police sirens coming our way, so Spider-Man quickly pinned both of the thief man's hands on the wall. 

Then Spider-Man grabbed my waist and shoots a web in a random building, my eyes widened when I can't feel a surface under my feet. I grabbed onto Spider-Man tightly as I was afraid to fall and die. I shut my eyes closed and just waited for him to land me back on a flat surface.

I could finally feel a floor to stand onto, I opened my eyes to see that I was on the spot where I was before that thief man grabbed me. I looked at Pete- I mean Spider-Man once again. "Thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome, after all, I'm your friendly neighbor, Spider-Man." Then he suddenly swung up and he was already gone.

"Is that Spider-Man?" I jumped when I saw my mom standing beside me looking at Spider-Man too.

"Yeah... He saved me from that thief man." I looked behind me again to see police driving on the opposite way from us, maybe they actually caught him.

"WHAT!?" My mom suddenly just yelled in front of me.


"A THIEF MAN!?" She grabbed my shoulders and shooked them as if she isn't hearing it right and wanted me to repeat it again.

"Lower your voice, mom. We're in public." I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder to calm her down but it didn't seem to work. "Yeah, you heard it right. But I can handle myself, mom. Besides, there's a Spider-Man in this city, so don't worry."

"But what if Spider-Man didn't come!? What about your safety??"

"Don't worry too much, I'm sure I can handle it." I smiled at her to make her believe me that I am really ok.

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄 | peter parker ( andrew garfield )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon