Chapter 15

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I noticed Vivienne was getting tired of this party, so instead of dragging her back into the main room I dragged her outside to the yard

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I noticed Vivienne was getting tired of this party, so instead of dragging her back into the main room I dragged her outside to the yard.

I nicely kicked out the couple having dry sex.

"What are we doing out here Lee?" She asked.

"Actually having fun instead doing whatever their doing inside"

I find a soccer ball and pass it to her.

She stops it and passes it back.

"Not bad." I say passing it back.

She stops it again but this time, instead of passing it back like a normal human, she kicks it between my legs. She then runs behind me, gets the ball and kicks it towards a tree near the back of the yard.

"She shoots," she starts "And she scores!" She finishes as the ball hits the tree. Then she looks back at me and smirks.

"Oh, it's on!" I reply.

And we continue to play for awhile, just having fun. Laughing and grinning as we keep scoring.

Soon, people start to notice. And that guy form earlier walks out.

Good, his face is still bloody, a reminder to not hit on my girl.

"Hey ladies! Mind if my friend and I join your game?" He asks.

"Sure," Vivienne says, "As long as you two are okay with losing!" She states jokingly.

"Watch us." He replies.

And so we begin. Unfortunately their actually pretty good, and they score on us pretty quickly.

But Vivi does not look the least bit down hearted. She is determined to show these suckers whose boss.

Apparently slightly intoxicated students are really competitive. Soon everyone at the party was picking teams to cheer on, and the game had become intense. People placing bets, using our game as a drinking game.

We were tied.

People were yelling. Vivienne was laughing her ass off, I was too.

Who knew a silly game could become so important? Man, these kids need a life.

We all decided to do a shoot off to determine the winner.

They miss their first shot.

I take ours.

I miss.

FUCK, I had one job!

Why am I so invented in this? It's a stupid soccer game?

Maybe because I know that if we win, I'll get to see Vivi smile.

The stupid boy with a stupid bruised face takes his shot.

He misses. Thank god.

Vivienne lines up her shot, and shoots.

It gets in!

And the crowd goes wild.

But no, literally the crowd actually goes insane.

And Vivi runs over and wraps her arms around me in a hug.

I pick her up and spin her around.

I had the biggest smile in the world on my face.

I had the biggest smile in the world on my face

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The smile on his face, oh my god.

I want to kiss him.


But his smile is very nice.

It's perfect.

I think it's my favourite thing in the world now.

Everyone is laughing smiling, taking shots. But we are lost.

Lost in each others eyes.

Like there is some, invisible string tying us toghter.

And when he spins me, the butterflies ignite.

I don't think I've ever been happier.


"We should probably head home, considering we have to meet up early tommorow" I suggest to Léon.

"Yeah, probably." He says, almost disappointedly.

Did I do something wrong? Should I have not hugged him?

"Okay, well, see you later. I'm going to go find Emilie."

He nods.

I'm so confused.

Soon, I spot Em with the girl form earlier.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I have to get home, and I am Emilies drive home sooo" I start saying to the girl.

"Oh," Em starts, "Don't worry, Shea will drive me home. Right Shea?"

The girl nods.

"Okay I guess see you later." I say

Well, Emilie was my ride home. So now what.

Just then someone sneaks Form behind me.

"Oh mon dieu. Jeez Léon. You scared me!"

"Sorry, I just may have overheard your conversation with Em and happened to hear you needed a drive?" He says

So logically I respond with, "Are you stalking me?!?"

And he responds with a smirk, "Do you want me to?"

"Uh, no, but I could use that ride if your offering."

He quickly modes and drags me to his nice car.

I'm already sleepy, and this outfit is cold and uncomfortable. But I manage to "dust" myself off before getting into the car.

I notice there's a chauffeur in the front, poor person, have they been waiting here this whole time?

Once Lee and I are settled into the back, the chauffeur begins to drive.

Léon reaches behind him, grabs a hoodie and gives it to me.

I start to argue, but he gives me a look and I put it on.

Soon I drift off to sleep onto his shoulder.

The next morning, I wake up in my bed, still wearing his hoodie.

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