chapter 𝟷𝟹

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I walked into my fathers room and slowly woke him up

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I walked into my fathers room and slowly woke him up.

"Bonjour, ma petite fleur." Father softly spoke
(Hello, my little flower )

"Bonjour papa, we need to talk, I am not sure I am doing the right thing." I replied

"You are not sure? Let's hear it then, tell me what's going on with you?"

"Alright papa."

So l told him about meeting Léon, about the task force idea, about how we were chosen to run it. I did leave out the fact that we skipped class together. But I told him about our plan to sneak me into the out of country meeting, I told him that I was going to act as Lee's fiancé.

"Ma fleur, you have always followed your heart. It is one of your strongest traits. It was your mother's too. So my advice to you, is follow your heart, let it lead you, don't be blinded by your fear."

"I think I understand what you are trying to say papa, but you were a member of the table, don't you think I am stepping over my boundaries a bit?"

"My child , I know you feel that just because you are not crowned means you can't make a difference, but I think we both know that that is wrong. The peasants of the old kingdom had no power, but they raised together and won their freedom. You will have power, and you have some now. But it is what you choose to do with it that will change the world."

I guess that makes sense, right?

"Ok father, I think you are right,-"

"I know I am right Vivienne." He said " and I also know that your mother would be very proud of you, whatever you choose to do"

I felt like tearing up a little bit.

"You think so? Even if nothing changes?" I ask

"Vivi, you mother has always been so proud of you, she is always watching you from above, and I know, she wishes to see you again, but she is so very proud of you, and she knows you will change the world."

I am going to cry.

My father continued,

"Now, let an old man get some rest and start packing for that trip of yours, and remember, at this meeting the number one rule is-"

"Never say no to an elder." I interrupt

"Mmhmm." He said already going back to sleep.

"Have a nice rest father, see you soon. I love you." I say

But he was already asleep.


I was back in my room, finishing my packing when my phone rang.

It was a call from my best friend.

"Hey Em, what's up bitch?" I ask

Bitch, fuck you, anyways , their is a party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come?

"Sorry, but I think I'll pass." I reply

Come on, we have not had a fun night in forever, we can just have fun and chill together!"

" You mean,  so you can get drunk and so I can drive you home?"

Yes! That sounds like a great idea, thanks for offering , I'll come over now with our fits and get us ready.

I rolled my eyes.


Yes!!!! Girl, I love you so much.

"Bye, I love you too."

And I hung up the phone.

Sigh, what have I gotten myself into?

Soon, I hear someone running down the halls, and I know it's Émilie.

I really should tell the servants to not let her in. That would be funny, of course, I would wake up dead, but it is what it is.

She burst into my room with two dresses in hand. Than she sees the suitcase. And she stops  and eyes me suspiciously.

"Miss gurl," she starts "you have some explaining to do."

So, once again, I tell what's been going on in my life. And this time, I did mention skipping class, because who is she gonna tell?"

"Ahhhhhh! Yes! It's happening! Vivienne is getting into a relationship!!!" She screams

"Okay, let's calm down," I start

"Nope, we need to continue-"

"Don't we have a party to get too?

" fine, we will go to this party, but than when we get back, we are finishing this conversation."

"Fine." I said




Than we finally sat down and got ready for the party


We both had on matching outfits, mine was pink, hers was black

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We both had on matching outfits, mine was pink, hers was black.

We looked hot as hell.

As usual, of course.

Em and I are kinda know for our show stopping outfits.

It's what we do for fun.

Well, we also get drunk for fun- well Émilie does, I just drive her home.

We start to walk outside my house when I notice a new car in my parking spot.

"New car?" I ask Émilie while looking at a matte black Porsche.

"Yeah, I got it to share with my brother last week, and I figured we should have a nice ride for today."

We got in the car and drove to the party. When we got their, I saw a familiar car.


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