Chapter 3

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It was 4:00 and me and Derek were pulling into the parking lot of Seattle grace hospital. I quickly jumped out and got a wheelchair "what's this for" he asked "Derek do you want me to tie you to it sit down" I said pushing him down into it. "Meredith what you doing here" a man shouted from the ER entrance "hey Dr Webber how are you" I asked "I'm good, who's this strapping young man" asked Webber "Derek Sheperd Mer's boyfriend nice to meet you sir" Derek jumping in "so let's get you in then sir" Webber suggested. After a few hours of being there the neurosurgeon came over "so Derek we will have to keep you in overnight but it just looks like a severe concussion so someone will take you up in a moment can you just sign here" the doctor said while handing him a clipboard "Mer can u sign it I'm a bit dizzy to sign things" Derek asked "sure thing sweetie" I replied.
The next morning I took Derek home but this time to his house I called in sick for both of us because I knew his mom works late so I offered. When I got Derek into bed I tried to get up but he would let me so I climbed under the covers with him and cuddle up. A few hours later his mom came in from night shift and quickly ran upstairs "is he ok" " Mrs Sheperd asked "yes he is just got out of the hospital this morning the doctors found out it was a concussion" I replied calming her down "well ok then as long as it's not a brain bleed or anything bad" Mrs Sheperd said "well I better get off to school and let him rest" I said walking back to get my bag "Meredith can you take his truck I don't want him driving today because I know he will want to" Mrs Sheperd said walking slowly down the stairs " of course I will, I'll pop round later to see how he is" I said looking down at her. After she went out the door to collect the mail I leaned over to Derek and said "you get better I will be back later and if your not in this bed I'm kicking your ass, got it" "well we don't want that to happen do we but I'm gonna go for that walk the doctor told me to go on so that should be fun" he said holding my right cheek. After he said that I leaned in and kissed him on the fore head as I was about to walk away he pulled me back in and he kissed my lips. They were soft and warm after a few seconds I pulled away and walked downstairs.
It was lunchtime and I sat with the usual group minus one there was me, Christina, Izzie, George, Alex, Owen and the minus being Derek. "So how is he" asked Owen he was a little dizzy this morning around 3am but he was ok when I left the house he was good. We continued eating lunch and having conversation and then I realised how much I missed him I had seen him every day for 3 years even when he went on holidays with his family because I would go with them so not seeing him today it felt like a piece of me was missing. After lunch we decided to go out to the courtyard because we had a free period and I saw a man with perfect hair in the distance and as he walked for a few seconds it came to me at the fact I was looking at Derek I got up and started walking which eventually evolved into running and I ran into his arms an buried my head into the gap between his neck and his shoulder "I missed you Shep" I whispered "I missed you too Mer" as he whispered back I lifted my head ancient kissed him, the kiss lasted longer than a minute then I pulled away. I linked my fingers with his and we started walking towards the group we could see Owen with his arm wrapped around Christina then there was Alex with his arm around Izzie then you had George sitting with know one because he didn't have the confidence to ask anyone out. We walked closer and sat down Owen started making small talk with Derek but I could kind of see that something was wrong with Owen. When the bell went for the next class Derek pulled me aside "Meredith I've been wanting to ask you this for about a week now and I never had the courage to do it" he paused for a moment "well then spit it out" I said with my arms wrapped around his neck "well will you move in with me my uncle just moved back to New York and he asked if I wanted his house and I accepted" he said looking into my eyes with a big smile on his face "yes Derek I would love to when would we move in" I said now with an even bigger smile on my face "we could move in later because my uncle is leaving everything in the house as a house warming gift, so if you want we could go and clean out your room later if you want" he said with his hands on my back "oh my god Derek yes yes yes i love you so much you truly are the best boyfriend ever" I said with an excitingly tone "you better go" he said holding my shoulder I kissed his cheek then ran back to catch up with the group "what was all that about" asked Christina "me and Derek are moving in together" I said with a grin on my face "well you were before but it was more sleepovers than living together" Izzie interrupted "I know but this time we have a house his uncle gave us his house when he moved back to New York" I replied "so do you guys need help" Alex asked "yea we could use a hand thanks" I replied walking into the classroom.

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