"Oh hey Drew" Remi smiled at Drew, one of the football players, as he walked up to us in the courtyard.

"Hey ladies" He sent us a wink as he approached.

"So Remi, are you coming to the game this week?" He flirted with my best friend.

"Of course. I kind of have to being a cheerleader and all" She smiled.

"Right" he smiled.

She probably didn't notice that he was flirting with her. She had her sights on someone a little different.

"There's an afterparty and you're invited so is Coco" he looked over at me. He was one of the guys I definitely didn't like calling me Coco.

"Don't you have to win before you get a victory party?" I said sarcastically.

"Are you suggesting we won't?" He challenged me.

I threw my hands up in defense.

Drew flirted with Remi. I saw a seething Carter walking this way. He reached us and without a word punched Drew in the face.

"Carter" I yelled, scolding. I looked over at Remi as her hand flew over her mouth as a gasp escaped. I slightly pushed Remi behind me.

"What the hell man?" Drew yelled, holding his jaw.

This drew a crowd.

"You know exactly what that was for," Carter yelled at Drew.

"Forgive me for talking to Remi, I didn't know that talking to her was fucking off limits" Drew sneered. This sent Carter off the edge and he punched him again. Drew knew exactly what he was doing.

Drew knew what was coming and fought back this time.

More students circled around as the fight progressed. I saw most of the people had their phones out, most likely filming the fight. Remi and I were both screaming at Carter to stop. I would break it up but I didn't want to get hurt.

Will and Nick pushed through the crowd and broke up the fight. Will pulled Carter back and Nick kept Drew back.

Will looked at me and silently asked if I was hurt. I shook my head in response.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled at Carter.

"It's none of your business, Cora. Just stay the fuck out of it" He yelled.

I took a step back in shock. He never cusses at me like that. Sure, we cuss and discuss a lot of stuff, but never like that. My blood boiled. I could tell he knew he messed up.

I stepped one step closer than I was before. I didn't care that there was a crowd. I was angry and he was going to regret it. "I don't know what crawled up your ass and died, but it's annoying the hell out of me. You are always angry at everything, you yelled at Dad, you never come out of your room anymore. Not to mention you just got into a fight. I don't know what's gotten into you but I am sick of it."

"You seem to forget that I never wanted to come here in the first place. I never wanted to leave Dallas and come to this stupid town. In case you haven't noticed, I hate it here and I want to go home" He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"This is our home, Carter. There was nothing for us back in Dallas and this place has some of the best people we've ever met. They're our family, Carter. We're not going back to Dallas so suck it up and get over it"

The crowd around us was silent. The boys were standing in the middle with us now. Cooper also stood silently to the side.

"You're not Mom" He yelled.

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