21~ Dancing in the Rain

Start from the beginning

"Okay okay. This is one of my dad's favorites. A three legged dog walked into a bar and said I'm looking for the man who shot my paw" I laughed.

My dad always told us that one. Will laughed and nodded his head at me.

"Did you know Bruce Lee has a vegan brother? His name is Broco Lee" he said nonchalantly, which made me die even more.

"If you think your microwave is collecting data and your tv is spying on you is bad enough. The vacuum cleaner has be gathering dirt on you for years" I said.

He laughed so hard his face turned a shade of red.

"Whoever invited the the knock knock joke should get a prize?" I started again.

"What kind of prize?" Will cocked his eyebrow, unsure of where this joke was going.

"The no bell prize." I answered as the corner of my mouth twitched up.

Will laughed. He put his hands up in a mock defense. "Okay okay I think you won that one. We should get going. You need to get home before dinner, I promised your dad you would" He stood up and I followed suite.

We looked out the window and it was pouring rain. Will looked at me before turning back to his car. "I'll be right back, stay here"

Her ran to his truck and opened the door. I assumed he was bringing it over here so I didn't have to go far in the rain, which I wouldn't mind if I did it would only be for a few seconds

He turned on the truck and turned up his music all the way up and hopped back out in the rain.

"Will, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Dance with me?" He asked. He was already soaking wet and I knew the second I got out there for too long I would be too.

I shook my head and scooted back even more. "We're going to get sick" I called out to him.

"So what? Come on, snowflake, dance with me"

Just when I was about to refuse again Will came over to me and threw me over his shoulder. "No Will please stop" I squealed and hit his back with a laugh. He set me down but kept his hands firmly around my waist so I didn't run away.

"Please dance with me, snowflake?" He asked softly. Our bodies were pushed against each other. I had to lean my head back to look at him.

"Will we're going to get sick" I protested at a whisper due to our close proximity.

"If I get to dance with you, it's worth it."

My favorite song to dance to came over the radio and I couldn't help but crack a smile and dance with him. We danced together and screamed the lyrics to every song that came over the radio. He spun me around and dipped me at some points. The smile never came off our faces. We were stuck in our own little reality.

The radio host said something about a request for a slow song. All of me came over the radio and Will pulled me closer to him.

"Can I have this dance?" He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

I nodded silently. We swayed to the rhythm of the music. I sang softly under me breath. Will spun me out on the chorus and spun me back in. I giggled under my breath when I hit his body on accident. He spun me a couple times before the song was coming to an end.

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