"Um, Gory?", Y/n said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, uh..", I stuttered. What will she think when I tell her that I am homeless? She will leave me just like my parents. But then again, Y/n doesn't seem like the type of person to do that.

I sighed with defeat, "fine", I said. She smiled, her pretty smile pushed herself to her feet.

"Your parents are worried about you, let me take you to them", Chica said in the distance. I suddenly panicked as I, on instinct, grabbed Y/n's hand and ran to Freddy's. After a while of running she seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. Her stamina seems to be pretty low. Once we get to Freddy's room she is panting really hard. I slightly feel bad for her although I would never say that out loud. I suddenly realized I felt something in my hand. I look down and realize that I was HOLDING HER HAND!!! I quickly let go, a faint color of pink rose to my cheeks. Y/n looked up at me confused, then stood next to me after she caught her breath. Suddenly the door opened and Freddy was right at the doorway. I jumped back in surprise. What the heck Freddy!? Why is he so close to the door!? I groaned and greeted him.

"Hello superstars! I am sorry that you were unable to get through the door, but I see you got that daycare pass! That is great! There are some security badges on the daycare desk. You can use that to access things in the Megaplex!", Freddy exclaimed. I slightly smiled at this and placed the pass in my pocket.

"Ohhhh so the great Gory can smile", Y/n suddenly teased. My face turns red and I quickly whip over to her.

"Oh shut up!", I said embarrassed.

"Smiling is nothing to be ashamed of." Freddy said. I looked at the ground and thought...

"Smiling will never get you anywhere Gregory, remember this", the voice of my mom said in my mind. I keep my frown and just ignore their comments.

"Come on Gory, we need to go get the pass", Y/n said with excitement.

"Alright", I sighed, the phrase kept playing in my mind till Y/n suddenly smiled at me. Why is she smiling at me? It's almost like she can read my thoughts. Y/n started walking and I followed her. Suddenly I realized she was walking in the wrong direction.

"Hey doll, the daycare is this way", I snickered. Y/n suddenly turned around her cheeks red with embarrassment. She looks so cute when she is embarrassed. Wait what?

"So Gory, you were going to tell me about your past, remember", Y/n said after catching up to me.

"No, no wait, hold up. You said you will go first", I started waving my hands in front of me.

Y/n's face squinted and she then sighed in defeat, "I guess I will go first then. Well, I only have to tell you one thing so I guess... I am trying to find something interesting to say". Ah ya! I knew she had a perfect life! She can't even think of anything bad to say about her life! I held this smug look on my face when Y/n suddenly spoke up.

"I grew up with a family of six including me, my mom, dad, Chris, Elizabeth, and Michael", she said. Wow, I have never had siblings before! I wonder what it is like? When she didn't talk after that I frowned.

"Hey, you said you would tell me something about your past", I said angrily.

She looked at me shocked, "I just did!" she exclaimed.

"Not really, that is like saying "I was born from a man and women"! Everyone was born from that!", I exclaimed.

"I told you I had siblings though!", Y/n stated.

"Well ya, but that is so boring, I want something interesting!", I said. Y/n looked at me annoyed and stuck her tongue out while I just smirked.

"Well captain nosey, fine I will tell you something else", Y/n sighed. "My mom died in a car crash yesterday", she said bluntly, folding her arms. Wait WHAT? Where did this come from? Her mom died YESTERDAY?

"Wait, that's it!? No context to your story?", I said in desperation. She looked sad after I said that which made me falter back. Great, Gregory, you made her sad again!

"S-she was leaving my dad when she accidentally drove off a cliff", Y/n said. She looked like she was trying not to cry in front of me which made my heart ache. Come on Gregory! Put your ego down for a few seconds. But what can I do to comfort her? That's just rough! Suddenly I had the urge to do something I knew I would kick myself for later. I reached over and grabbed her hand in mine. Her hand was soft and delicate just like the Doll she was.

"G-Gory", Y/n stuttered her face turning bright red which caused my cheeks to heat up too.

"Ssshh, just go with it", I whispered embarrassedly, my blush rising. Great, there goes my tough kid ego. Her hand melted into mine after she relaxed. This somehow just felt right to hold her hand, almost like we were meant to do this. Am I going crazy or what! First I comfort her then I hold her hand! Suddenly she sighs and starts silently humming a tune. Her voice made me feel like I was floating on a cloud! Why didn't I hold her hand sooner? I never wanted this moment to end but unfortunately it did when we reached the daycare. Even though I lived here I hated being around Sun. He always bugged me about slumber parties all night long and kept the freaking lights on. I am a pretty deep sleeper now because of him. I will sleep through pretty much anything now. Y/n suddenly let go of my hand to scan the pass. My body acted on its own and tried to reach her hand back. What the heck, hand! Do you want Y/n to think we are a weak link or needy? She needs to be the weak link, not me! The scanner beeped and the doors opened, letting us go inside. Well, here we go again.

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