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||Sorry for no update, I'm wasn't feeling %100 and my headspace isn't really focusing that well. I also have writer's block from writing 7 chapters in a week... Anyways, enjoy!||

||Got distracted part way through, the picture is the result :D||


It was a while before you and Moon settled on a movie. You both decided on the Beauty and The Best (live action), a sappy romance story because it fit the mood. Getting comfortable, you sat in Moon's lap as he, even while sitting, towered over your smaller frame. He leaned his chin to rest on your head and you leaned back into him as you enjoyed the movie together.

After a while of watching, Belle slowly coming to love the 'monster' that lived in the castle, you could hear Moon behind you, was he? 

"YOU!" You exclaimed.

He jolted at the sudden loud noise so close to him.

"YOU PUR?!?!?" 

He went blue in the face (his blush is blue), and looked away embarrassed by your new information. You grabbed his face and pulled it to look at you, your eyes shining like a child who just found money under their pillow from the tooth fairy. 

"That is so adorable, Moonpie." You chuckled.

"I don't pur." He mumbled under his breath.

"What was that, I didn't quite catch it," you teased back.

He huffed and crossed his arms, pouting. You, now forgetting about the movie, started teasing him, enjoying everything he was giving you. That was, until he pinned you to the ground and you noticed that he was blushing furiously and frowning.

"Now now, naughty children need to be punished~" He said.

What was he going to do to you? Suddenly the lights got turned on and Moon switched back with Sun. Sun was flustered when he came to you being pinned under him. He blushed and hurriedly got off of you. You would have laughed a little had you not been processing the encounter. It took you a second, but you finally stood up and looked over to Sun. 

"Hey Sunny, heh, fancy seeing you." You chuckled awkwardly.

"Yeah, uhm, what exactly was Moon doing Sunshine?" He asked innocently.

Suddenly Sunny froze and a rather deep blush crossed his face. You guessed Moon decided to answer the question for you, probably bending the truth just a little bit (a lot). You let out a small laugh and you walked to the balcony, sitting down at the edge. Sun joined you after a short wait and having to cool down and what not. 

This was nice, just chilling and looking over the daycare thinking about all the fun encounters you had here. 

"You know," you started, "you two have had such a massive impact on my life. You managed to make me smile when I really didn't want to. You made me feel like I was kid again and I got to live out my childhood. My parent's were the worst, my dad left..." Tears started falling down your face. "My mom killed someone and lost me to an awful person who locked me up for months and did awful things to me." The memory sent a chill down your spine. 

Sun just sat there next to you, listening, and pulled you close so you were leaning on him. 

"I don't think she even loved me, I don't think my dad even loved me. And I was so scared for the time that I was with that awful person. I- It hurtss, SUNNY IT HURTS." You were full on sobbing at this point and Sunny had brought you off the balcony. His sensors picked up that your heart rate was increasing. 

"S-Sunny, it hurts, make it stop, please please, make it stop..." You rambled on in pain.

Your chest was tight, you could hear your heart pounding in your ear, your breaths were short and labored, tears kept falling down your face. You hugged yourself now trembling and shaking from remembering the incidents. In the short amount of time you were talking you started having a panic attack. It hurt.

Sunny grabbed your face and pulled it close to his. To you it went by in slow motion, but it was swift, a panicked reaction to your panic. Sunny kissed you. It was all you could focus on now, your mind went blank and with that, you kissed back. 

"Are you ok now, Sunshine?" He asked quietly.

You nodded in confirmation, mind still blank from what happened. You just stared at him, a small blush tinting both of your faces. You snapped back to reality, taking in your surroundings once more, and looking back to Sunny. You grabbed him and pulled him back down into another kiss, this time melting into him as he wrapped his arms around your torso.

So you had a thing for both of them, so what? 

It was a sweet kiss, soft and loving, and as soon as it happened it was gone. You looked at Sunny again, this time his face had a deep shade of red blush and you assumed you had one to match with his. He pulled you back into the room, and pulled you down onto the bed with him cuddling you. You relaxed into the touch, and slowly the two of you drifted off.

When you woke again, Sunny wasn't there and the lights were still on. There were no kids despite it being a weekend, maybe it was an off day with all the animatronics going to parts and services. You guessed that's where Sunny was right now as you hopped off the bed and found a way down out of the boys' room. You walked over to the kitchen which was meant for snack making. You found something to eat because you were starving and slightly dehydrated after your episode. 

The large doors to the daycare opened with a loud thud, and you looked over startled like a deer in headlights. It was Sunny, and he looked happier then ever. 

"Hey Sunny, what's up?" You asked.

"OH nothiiiiiiiing..." He said grinning wide. "We just have a surprise for you!!"

"Okaaaay, Sunny you're being a little sketchy." 

"Oh Starlite, you have no idea~" You heard from behind you.

Your eyes widened and you whipped your head around to look at Moon who was standing behind you now. You were dumbstruck, looking between the two like it couldn't be possibly happening. Then some very intrusive thoughts made their way into your head and you blushed furiously.

"Oh~, what are you thinking about there (y/n)?" Moon asked bending down and grabbing your chin.

"Nothing." You tried to shake it off.

Sun cocked his head to the side and wondered what was going on, but realized a little time after what was going on. He smirked and walked up behind you sneaking his arms between yours and grabbing your torso and letting the rest of his arms fall down.

"Oh Sunshine, already?" Sunny said seductively right next to your ear.

That was the breaking point, you just melted right then and there. You were a deep red tomato, and you melted almost quite literally. 

"OH! We broke them Sun." Moon laughed.

"Oops." Sun said in response.

Moon picked you up and brought you back to their room as you had passed out. He laid you on the bed and Sun followed after with a glass of water for when you woke up. They both cuddled you as you slept through your naughty head.


||Don't mind me, just feeding my inner simp :P (and maybe yours). Sorry for such a late chapter, my writer's block imp is acting a fool again.

Till next time!||

(1257 words)

MoonxReaderxSun(FNAF: SB) Depression, Love, and AngerWhere stories live. Discover now