"What the hell!?" she exclaimed, smacking him on the arm. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"I seriously apologise." grinned Niklaus. "Giving a heart attack was not my intention."

Lucy shook her head to herself, letting out a soft laugh, "Did you really pick up this trick from Hong Kong?"

"Not exactly." he shrugged.

"But, you sure you aren't allergic to any of the flowers?" asked Niklaus.

"Lilies, orchids, daisies, tulips, jasmine, hibiscus, oh my god, what isn't in there?" said Lucy, her eyes widening as she finally took in the number or more like the variety of flowers in the bouquet.

"I wasn't sure which one you would like, so I bought all the types I could find." he said with a slightly sheepish grin. (although we all know the Klaus Mikaelson would never agree that he was acting 'sheepishly')

"I love them all." grinned Lucy. "And you know what, I'm no longer feeling awkward. Your trick did work."

She picked up a tulip, twirling it in her hand for a moment before deciding what to do with it.

She pocketed the flower in Nikalus's shirt's left breast pocket, her fingers grazing for a moment before lightly placing her palm over his heart, grinning, saying, "Your heart is beating quite fast."

Niklaus smirked, taking a step towards her, "Well, so is yours."

"Oh really? How can you tell that?" she smirked back.

"Vampire hearing." he shrugged lightly, pulling out a rose from within the bouquet.

His fingers softly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, grazing her ear for a second before he pulled back and returned with a rose, tucking it behind her ear, all the while keeping his eyes connected to hers.

"Careful, roses have thorns."

"This one doesn't. And never will."


The poor hospital had to endure a little blast which Lucy heard go off right when she was about to enter the building.

Their short sweet flower exchange moment had been abruptly cutted off when someone from behind had honked loudly asking them to 'get a room'.
Both of them had let out small laughs, getting out of the way of the elderly man who had thrown them dirty looks on passing for disrupting his way.

Klaus had gone inside while Lucy had excused herself to attend a phone call with the unfulfilled promise of meeting him inside as soon as she was done with the call.

The phone call had been from Vaishali.

"Hola, I'm heading home. You alright if Hayley tags along?"

"Yeah. Yeah." Lucy nodded, thinking a bit. "If you trust her, I guess I can also trust her."

"That you surely can." hummed Vaishali. "But, you enjoyed your little ride?"

"Yeah, yeah" she rolled her eyes.

"Tell me you guys did something."

"Shut up." Lucy grumbled.

"Please tell me you guys 'at least' kissed."

"No we did not." said Lucy sternly, her cheeks red, although she would never admit so. "We just.... talked."

"Woohoo." whistled Vaishali teasingly. "Got a date fixed or not?"

"Well," said Lucy, taking her dear time in giving her the answer, "not exactly fixed. We haven't decided the venue or date yet."

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