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Leon: I love you to. But come on, lessons starts in a few minutes.
They go to lessons and Pablo start talking.
Pablo: Violetta, i've got some news for you. The director of Y-mix wants to hear you sing, live. So you may choose a number to sing for him. Try you're best, cause his opinion is really important for you, and what you are doung for Y-mix.
Violetta: Okay... When is it?
Pablo: Uhm let me see... Monday now in two days soo... It's wednsday, Violetta.
Violetta: What? Then all? Maybe i have not enoufg time to rehearse!
Pablo: Haha relax Violetta! You don't have to rehearse many, cause you already know the song you're gonna sing! You may choose it yourself, but a new number in two days...
Violetta: No that's not gonna work... I will choose a song that's already wrote.
Pablo: Okay... Well goodluck then!
And he walked away.
Violetta: Oh no, what if the director don't like my voice live? Maybe i will have to stop with Y-mix!
Leon: Relax Vilu! You have a beautiful voice, i'm sure he thinks that to.
Fran: He's right Violetta. You will sing beautiful!
Cami: Yes Vilu, you don't have to worry!
Violetta: Thank you... Oh girls, do you mind if we cancel or appointmenf? I have to choose a number, and rehearse and and...
Cami: It's okay Violetta, we understand. Shall we do it wednsday after studio?
Violetta: Yeah, thats fine. Thanks for the understanding, girls.
And Vilu walked away to the singing hall.
By Violetta:
•Hmm what will i sing... It has to be a great number where i can find myself in... I will just try some things.•
Violetta sings hoy somos mas.
Violetta: No no no.
Then she gets an idea.
She sing it again, slower now (Like Fran sings it in the clip in the park in Violetta2, if you guys remember that episode😂).
Violetta: Yes! Thats the number.
She sing it again, the whole number now, with piano playing.
Then Leon comes in.

Sorry for shortness, more later today or tomorrow💗

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