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Leon see:

"... what if he likes that Maybel, who ever she is? I don't know if he is still in love with me. What if he will dump me? I don't want to lose..."

Leon fast closes the dairy. He thought about what he read.
By Leon:
•Does she really think i don't like her anymore? I love her! I never loved some one more than i love her. Maybe i have to show more that i love her... But i can't tell i read her dairy, cause she won't believe it was an accident...•
Leon stand uo and puts everything like it was when he comed here. Then he takes the clothes, and goes to his motor. He drive as fast as he can, cause he was longer away than he used to be.
*When he was home.
Leon: Hello!
Violetta: Ah you're back!
Leon: Yeah finally, there was a very long line for the traffic light.
Violetta: Oh okay.
Leon was relieved, she believes it.
Leon: Here are you're clothes.
He gives her the clothes from the chair.
Violetta: Oh, thanks. I'll be right back.
She goes upstairs to put on clothes.
By Vilu:
•Hmm Leon was acting weird it was just like he don't know what to say... Maybe that confirmed what i already thought, maybe he don't loves me anymore.•
A tear falls down on Vilu's cheek while she put on her clothes.
She keeps thinking the same: i can't live without Leon.
While she goes back to Leon, she try to look happy.
Leon: Hey, there you are.
He hugs her.
Being extra nice before dumping, thought Violetta. She trys hard not to cry.
But Leon see that something's wrong with her.
Leon: Vilu?
Now he's gonna say it, thought Violetta. Maybe this is the last time he hold me like this, maybe that kiss on the bed was the last kiss...
Violetta: Yes?
Her eyes where filled with tears.
Leon looked at her quizzically.
Leon: Violetta what wrong? You're almost crying!
Violetta can't stop the tears anymore she crys she crys so hard she never crys so hard not even when her mom died.
Leon take her into his arms. When she was cried out, Leon started talking her.
Leon: Violetta, whats wrong?
Vilu quivered on her legs, so Leon takes her to the couch. He puts his arms around her.
Leon: Tell me, whats wrong?

Do you guys like it? I hope so! Happy easter for you all💗

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