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When Leon was making the reservation for the restaurant, Violetta was choosing what she will wear. She choose a purple, cute dress. Then she fix her hear and her make-up, then she was ready. It was five minutes before half past six, so Leon can be here any minute. Leon... Vilu smiles when she thinks about him.
At half past six the doorbell rings. Violetta opened the door. It was Leon, ofcourse.
Leon: Hello sweetie. You look beautiful.
He kissed her on the cheek.
Violetta: Thank you, you too. Let's go.
They go out and Leon go sit on his motor. Violetta go sit on the back and wrapped her arms around him.
Like five minutes later they were at the reastaurant.
Violetta: I never been here before. It looks nice.
Leon: It is. I somtimes eat here with my family.
Violetta: Nice! Come on, let's go in!
Leon wrapped his arm around Vilu's shoulder amd they walked in.
Leon talked with an employee and them he took her to a romantic table in the corner. He took her hands over the table.
Violetta: This place is amazing!
Leon: Don't you think? I know you will like it.
Then a waiter comes to them and they ordered.
They just talked and eat and then the waiter comes with the account.
Waiter: Thats 140 dollars.
Violetta looked suprised to Leon, but he just payed.
Violetta: Whas it so expensive?! I can repay half!
Leon: No, you don't have to. I treat.
He comes closer to her over the table.
Leon: Because i love you.
Violetta: I love you too.
Leon: Shall we go?
Violetta: Yes, let's go.
They stand up and Leon takes her hand. Them they go back to Leons house.
By Vilu:
•The evening was amazing. After the restaurant we watch a movie at the couch. It was a horrormovie and it was soo scary, but Leon holded me. Some later we go to sleep.•
*When they lay in bed.
Leon wrapped his arm around Violetta.
Leon: I love you so much.
Violetta: I love you more.
Leon: Hmm sounds like somebody wants to get tickled again!
Violetta: Aah no!
Leon and Vilu laufg.
Then Leon leaned over her and kissed Violetta soft and long on her lips.

Sorry for boring part💗More tomorrow or later today💗

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