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"So, what happens if it does remember?" She asked and he shook his head, "I'm not sure... The thing probably doesn't even know it turns back to human during the day." He said and Tracy thought for a second. "I read that the Beast of Gévaudan killed 113 people. Is that true?" She asked and Theo gave her a smug smirk, "No. The Doctors told me it was closer to 500." He said.

"The Beast Of Gévaudan?" Someone asked making Theo turn around to see Ivory standing behind him, "What are you doing here?" He asked, seemingly worried as he glanced around. "I was studying and putting up some posters I didn't finish doing ealier. Why are you talking about the Beast of Gévaudan?" She asked but he just furrow his brows as he looked at her, "You studying and putting up posters when it's almost midnight?" He asked.

"Yeah, and I was about to leave until I heard a giant growl. Why are you talking about the Beast of Gévaudan?" She asked and he looked at her confused, "You know what that is?" He asked and she furrowed her brows. "I was best friends with and lived with Argents before, of course I do." She said  glancing between Theo and Tracy.

"What do you know?" Tracy asked as she stepped forward and Ivory held her hand up slightly, "Hold on. You still haven't answered me on why the hell you're talking about it." She said making the two Chimeras glance at each other. "That's what the growl was." Tracy said making Ivory furrow her brows, "I thought an Argent killed it in the 1700s. Why would the Dread Doctor's bring that thing back?" She asked.

Just then, a door at the end of the hallway opens and closes, and they hear a combination of the Dread Doctors' skittering noise as well as a low growl. Tracy immediately flicks out her claws as she gets into fight-mode, "Stay behind me." Ivory asked and Ivory nodded, "If it attacks, I will leave you both behind." She said, smiling when Theo gave her a look.

The three slowly walk down the hallway toward the source of the noise, eventually finding the Dread Doctors standing there waiting for them. Tracy wastes no time trying to slash one of the Dread Doctor's across the face, but it is completely unfazed by the attack.

Tracy's eyes widened slightly before it backhands her across the face so hard she flies into the nearby row of lockers and bounces onto the ground. "Leave." The Dread Doctor said as Theo stepped towards it, "Where is it?" He asked.

"You already have your pack."

"It wasn't enough. Look at my eyes." Theo said angrily as he flashes his golden eyes making Ivory sigh deeply and shake her head slightly. "Do they look red to you? I'm not an Alpha. I'm not even a real werewolf!" Theo yelled.

All of the sudden heavy footsteps that seem to shake the ground beneath their feet are heard as the Beast lumbers toward them. It is clutching the severed head of a teacher in its hand by the hair. Ivory's eyes widen at the sight it as Theo slowly backs up, pulling her behind him.

After a moment, the Beast roars loudly making the three of them squeeze their eyes shut as they covered their ears. By the time the sound ceases and they open their eyes, the Doctors and the Beast have vanished.

"I should have stayed in Paris." Ivory mumbled.


Ivory sat in AP Bio getting her stuff ready to take notes when Theo sat down next to her making her roll her eyes. "You gonna ignore me the whole period?" He asked and she shrugged slightly, "That would be preferable." She said and he chuckled.

"Well I guess that's too bad, because we're partners. Can't work with your partner without talking to them." Theo said making Ivory look at the board to see they were supposed to be doing work with their desk partner making her sigh.

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 ➢ ᴛʜᴇᴏ ʀᴀᴇᴋᴇɴOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora