Page 68 - Saved By An Old Friend

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An explosion goes of at the western wall stopping the whole war. The dust slowly clears showing a 5'8 56yr old man with a grey textured slicked back with an undercut hair style and Verdi beard.

The dust clears showing Captain Gold with his cutlass on his shoulders. He smiles and yells, "JOSEPH! WE CAME BECAUSE WE KNEW YOU'D NEED OUR HELP!"

Joe sighs. Daunte laughs and says, "Guess Fate is on my side once again." Daunte jumps back to avoid a slash from General Abe. He grabs Kaleb and pulls him out of harms way.

Joe follows Daunte while barely avoiding attacks from Admiral Elvens. Capt'n Gold watches as Joe and Daunte run and says to his men, "Alright men! Have at it!"

Gold's 150 men roar as they charge into battle. The camera pans towards General Bob who's watching them join and says to himself, "So one of the last member's of The Crooked Pirates have shown himself."

Doobie tries to blindside Bob but is instantly deflected. General Bob says, "Haha nice try but you're to slow to blindside someone."

Dadan kneels on the ground holding his chest as his aura slowly weakens. He thinks, *My time is running out. Good thing they joined us but we're still severely out numbered.*

Doobie asks Dadan, "Are you okay to fight?"

Dadan replies, "Honestly, I've only got a few more minutes at the most. Maybe less if I use to much power."

Doobie says, "Great. What are we gonna do now?"

The battle behinds them heats up rapidly. May soldiers tired from the war fall to the hands of The Laughing Pirates almost instantly giving the Prisoners a boost in morale

Daunte and Joe rush through the battlefield while General Abe and Admiral Elvens chase them. Abe thrust his sword at them but he's interrupted by twelve pirates, Elvens stands beside Abe and says, "Guess The Demon Ox is gonna escape another government facility."

Abe smirks, "I guess so. We should deal with the problem at hand."

Elvens replies, "Haha I guess you're right." He takes a breath and yells, "THIS STILL ISN'T OVER CONQUEROR!"

Joe looks back as he's running with Daunte and smiles. He waves his hand at Elvens and makes his way towards Capt'n Gold. Once they arrive Joe asks him, "What are you doing here?"

Gold smiles, "Because I knew you'd need my help that's why! Now c'mon we gotta get out of here."

Daunte asks, "Wait we're leaving?"

Gold replies, "Yes we are. You guys are way out of your league and frankly I'm surprised you've lasted this long. Your friend there needs medical attention as well."

Daunte sucks his teeth. He says, "Alright let's go. We need to meet the others at The Kya Kingdom anyways."

Joe looks across the battlefield and sees The treasure Hunter's have been rescued by some pirates. He sighs in relief and says, "Actually we can't meet them yet."

Daunte asks, "Why what happe-" He looks across the battlefield and says, "Oh yea." He turns toward Gold and says, "Sorry old man we need to save their friend from trouble."

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