Wrong Number

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Alex: Your cell phone rings, you don't recognize the number. What doing you do? 

Jack, Miko, and Raf; Ignore it!

Alex: Ignore it! Send a voicemail. Yeah, not this girl. I answer it. Yeah, exactly. Opportunity, potential, who knows. Who knows what it is. 

Jack: Why?

Miko and Raf: *laughing*

Alex: *shrugs* So, the other day, I was driving down with Bee on the 4:05 traffic. Phone rings 907, New York. I'm like, oh, I don't know the number. I hit talk and I go 'Hello'. The guy on the other line goes 

Guy: Hey Bruce. What's going on?

Alex: My name is Alex not Bruce. So clearly I go 'Nothing much man. What's going on with you?' and he goes

Guy: I'll tee you what's going on I just got an email about the budget. It's supposed to be $15,000. Now it's $10,000! I'd like to know what's the hell's going on

Miko: *laughs*

Alex: I grabbed my bag like all right scrapping focus. Focus right now. Your now is Bruce. There's a budget, it's $15,000. Now it's $10,000. No one's happy about it. Just go with this. Go with this. I didn't know much. I only knew what he told me. So I just said it back '$10,000! It's Supposed to be $15,000!' 

Guy: Yeah! Well just got the email and not it's 10. 

Alex: 'Hey, I don't know what to tell you man. I'm on the road right now. I haven't even seen the email. 

Guy: Are you behind this!? Did you set it up!

Alex: Like... giving Bruce some attitude. You know what I mean?

Jack, Miko, and Raf: *laughs*

Ratchet: *looks at them with concern*

Alex: I mean there is no way I am taking that. No way and I go 'Listen bro, the budget was $15,000. We added a couple extra expenditures it went up to $16,200. I reworked it got it down to $14,700. We had 300 to play with I called it 15, I sent it out.'

Guy: Yeah, well now it's ten!

Ratchet: *Joins them and laughs with the kids*

Alex: *tries not laughs* OMG that worked?! Stay focused. Stay focused. I'm not even enjoying it. What I mean I can't even laugh. I like have to stay and like literally in it. I was in it! He goes

Guy: Did Larry okay this? 

Raf: Larry?

Alex: Throwing Larry at me. Yeah. So I go... 'Listen. I took it to Larry. He said it looked fine, but I news my ass on the line. So I ran it by Jennifer just in case. She said looked good, I sent it out. 

Guy: Yeah! Well now it's ten!

Alex: I was like this guy has no idea what's going on over there. He hasn't talked to Larry. He hasn't talked to Jennifer. I just made her up. *holds laughter* Clearly he had not spoken to Bruce. 

Guy: Listen man, what are we gonna to about this? 

Alex: 'Bro, I'm on the road right now. I haven't even seen the email. Why don't you call Larry. Check in with him. See what's going on. Give me a call back.' Literally like throwing the fishing lime out be like please say yes, because that phone call return is going to be AMAZING. And he goes

Guy: Listen, Why don't we wait till you get home. You check the email. You call Larry. You call me back. 

Alex: 'Nah nah bro. Larry knows way more about this than I do. Give him a call, call me back.'

Guy: Okay

Alex: Hang up the phone to which I explode with euphoria, because there's a small business in New York somewhere, crumbling to the ground. Over $5,000 dollars. No one can find Bruce. No one talked to Larry. They don't know who that hell is Jennifer. 

Jack: Is that is?

Alex: I'm not done

Raf: oh no

Alex: I get home. I'm so excited. I call Jack and Miko. Tell them what happened. I think to myself. You know what I'm gonna save that guy's number. Give him a call in couple days. Check in. Touch base. See where we're at. Save the number on my phone random guy. *shows her phone contacts.*

Miko: *take it and shows it to everyone in the base.*

Alex: He's a random guy. I don't think about it a couple days pass. No big deal. Laying on the couch watching tv. The phone rings from the dining room table. Gets up and goes over to pick it up. Looks at the phone number. Random guy? I think to myself. Random guy? I don't know any random guy. Who the hell is random guy? Then I was like Random guy! 

Jack: you forgot you saved it?

Alex: yes I did. Now I'm freaked out. You know what I mean. I'm in my house. They know where I'm at. These people lives have been affected. This is who I am. You know what I mean. I started this thing. I'm gonna see it through to the end. That's how I saw this. I put i my earbuds. Just get a little distance just get some distance you know what I mean. I hit talk. I go.. 'Hello?' Same guy goes.

Guy: Hey Larry. What's going on? 

Alex: Now he's calling me Larry. He knows what's up! But I'm not gonna cave. You know what I mean. And I go 'Nothing much man. What's going on with you?'

Guy: Listen I got us on conference call with Jenelle and Marie. 

Alex: Pfft. Like I'm backing down from Jenelle and Marie. So I go 'Uh, hey ladies. Welcome to the call.' As if to say welcome to the show! Here we go. How long are we gonna lie for? How long do you want me to lie? Cause I'm gonna go all the way. Marie, she takes the lead. She goes.

Marie: Hey Larry. What time is it where you are?

Alex: I looked at the clocked and it's 5:30. And there a New York company so I go. '8:30. It's 8:30.' They're like sprinkling more lies and like I can fool them. I can fool them. 

Marie: What's the weather like?

Alex: 'Weather's nice.. Weather is nice.'

Marie: Really this doesn't sound like Larry. 

Alex: And I go 'Oh yeah. Who's it sound like?' And the guy that called both times He chirps in and like

Guy: Sounds like Bruce! Sound Like Bruce! 

Alex: Like he's gonna blow this case wide open. *laughs* And I go 'This isn't Larry and this isn't Bruce.'

Jenelle: Who is this?

Alex: and I was like 'I'm just some kid. Who had nothing better to do then to mess with you guys.' Marie did not like that. She got pissed. She started yelling at me. 

Marie: We're a small business trying!

Alex: 'Oh my god. I didn't know'

Marie: You think this is a joke!

Alex: 'Yeah kinda' She goes 

Marie: Let me ask you something!

Alex: 'NO YOU LET ME ASK YOU SOMETHING!' and she goes

Marie: what!? 

Alex: 'where we at with the budget?' The end

Raf: is that what I talked into?

Ratchet: Humans are weird.

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