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“Yes, that's right, but...”

“Ahh, please forgive me. This way, please. Let me guide you there.”

“Ah... Sure.”

Sensing that her troubles might get more complicated if she said "There’s been a misunderstanding here", Y/N decided to quietly follow the soldier’s guidance for now.

Y/N then swept her gaze around her vicinity.

‘Now that I see, it's....’

The surrounding atmosphere felt rather suspicious.

The streets were totally deserted. The only people she could see were the soldiers and the members of the police.

Also, corpses belonging to monsters, destroyed cars, and buildings with cracks running up their walls...

Y/N realized what had happened here.

‘A gate must've opened up nearby.’

Something like that almost never happened nowadays with the well-established Hunter system in place, but sometimes, a Gate would appear in a remote area, and it'd go unnoticed for a while. As a result, no one would come around to close it in time.

When such an event unfolded, soldiers from the nearby bases were dispatched in order to buy some time until Hunters could arrive on the scene.

Of course, the weapons of soldiers didn't work against the monsters. However, in order to facilitate the evacuation of civilians, someone had to be offered up as sacrifices. In other words, they were to become cannon fodder.

A role someone had no choice but to perform had been saddled on the shoulders of this nation’s youths.

“Thank you.”

The soldier walking up ahead thanked Y/N out of the blue.

“Pardon me?”

“Well, because Hunters such as yourself fight hard, we are able to go home at the end of the day, you see.”

“Oh, uh...”

He said 'thanks'.

That was something Y/N wanted to say to the soldier, instead.

Soldiers to the Hunters, and Hunters to soldiers.

As befitting those fighting to protect someone, or even something, they were expressing their gratitude against each other.

The soldier's expression brightened after he received the radio transmission.

“I've received a word that the monsters in the vicinity have been dealt with, and only the biggest one remains.”

Y/N nodded her head.

She didn't need to hear the soldier's explanation to know.

She could actually sense the presence of a powerul 'lifeform' nearby. And she could even sense several auras of Hunters surrounding it, too. The enchanted Perception Stat was transmitting crucial information in the form of sensations and feelings.

And that's how Y/N got to figure it out almost immediately.

'That thing is the boss.'

Soon enough, the creature could be seen in the distance. In the empty open space not too far from her, a dozen or so Hunters were surrounding a giant made out of rock. It was as tall as a telephone pole.

It was a Golem-type monster.

The soldier spat out a gasp of fear as he took a step backwards.

Perhaps it was his first time seeing one, since the moment he saw it, his entire body had stiffened noticeably. But then again, most people would react in a similar fashion. The difference between seeing a monster for real and seeing it on TV or a computer monitor was like heavin and earth, after all.

HUNTER. (H.YEJI) !DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now