"Because I literally am."

"You don't accept it as a compliment?"I glared at him. He laughed as if this was all amusing to him. Then, he stopped. I thought he would say he was kidding. But he-"But I'm serious. Bagay kayo."

"Shut up."

Ugh! I didn't want to hear it! Bagay?! Kaming dalawa?! We're literally enemies that walk on this earth!

"Its no question that the more time you spent with him can make you fall for him."

I scoffed. "That's not gonna happen."

"You never know." He teased and came closer to my face. I pushed it away and he laughed.

Three weeks have been passed and I was reminded every time of what Carter told me. Fall for him?! Not even a thousand years! He's not even my cup of tea!

How can I fall for some cold and sarcastic as*hole? And even act arrogantly? If he's the only person left on earth that I had to marry, I would rather die single and be contented with my books.

But guys in books that I like are cold, sarcastic, and arrogant-BUT THEY ARE DIFFERENT! They certainly act indifferent, but they CARE! I don't know if Jace cares for me.

Not that I give a f*ck about it. Who cares if he doesn't care?!

 I should really stop talking to my inner self. People would start to think that I'm insane.

I was now walking at the corrider and saw some girls chatting some guys and asking something about a date and the guys agreed. Everywhere in the corridor, I saw people doing the same thing.

My eyebrows furrowed. Is this reverse psychology?

I felt someone touch my shoulders. I turned around and saw Carter smiling at me. I smiled back and we were now walking together to class.

"What's with them?" I asked pointing at girls asking out some guys and the guys agreed.

"Oh. You didn't know?" he asked, confused and then it hit him. "Of course not, Carter. How dumb could you be?" He said and facepalmed himself and I was looking at him confused. "Its a bit of tradition at school every birthday of the dean which is the day after tommorow. That there would be a big party and everyone is required a date. But the twist is the girls would be asking out the guys."

"Is that required?" My brows furrowed.

"Yes, and you can't enter if you don't have one."

"Well, that's a bit unfair." I grunted. "What if the girls doesn't have the boldness to ask?"

"Their problem." kibit-balikat niyang sabi.

"Have you joined 'this party'?"

"Yup, its easy for me to have a date, since girls love me.I have a handsome face, you know."he arrogantly said that made me laughed.

"Sure."I said and fakely smiled."So, we should go out as a date to this party, then. There's no bad thing since we're friends."I casually said and he looked at me startled.

"That's so casual, Jewel."he said and laughed."You caught me off guard!"he laughed again but I was just looking at him, seriously. "Wait. You're serious?!"his eyes widened and I raised my right eyebrow.

"Am I joking to you?"

"I w-wanted to, but someone already asked me. "he said and looked away and I wanted to facepalmed myself. Did I just get rejected? I mean I don't even expect him to leave his date just for me. That would make me a bad friend.

"O-oh. It's okay."

"You should ask someone else, like Jace-ouch!"I elbowed him before he could finish the name, but he still did.

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