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I woke up looked at the watch, and was shocked to see that it was already noon. I rubbed my eyes because I didn't get enough sleep last night. I think I fell asleep when it was 1:00 a.m.

I went to the kitchen and my brows furrowed seeing no one was there. I looked around and went to their rooms, but they weren't there. Many questions were playing in my mind. Did they go somewhere? Well, obviously. But where? They left me alone here in this house?

I sighed and went back to the kitchen to get food, but when I opened the fridge there was nothing inside. What the-

I sighed. Maybe there's a shop outside. I started to walk around until I luckily passed a store. I read the sign and it was 7/11. I entered inside and the employee greeted me.

I just smiled and went around to find some food to eat. I decided to eat ramen since it's easier to cook. I also went to the drink section so that I could get some Coke. A guy appeared beside me and he opened the fridge and got a Coke. He put it on his face and he sighed as the cold coke came in contact with his bruise.

 It was purple and looked like from a fight. He also wears glasses. Para siyang nerd, pero may halong gangster.

"You okay?"

He glanced at me and his brows furrowed. He is handsome with his messy hair and brown eyes under those circular glasses. Deep brown eyes stared at me, coldly.

They say that the eyes are the window to the soul, and I believe that his soul is cold, just like how his eyes reflect it. Perhaps he went through a lot of pain in his past that made him act distant and aloof towards others. But why am I even trying to read him? He's just a stranger, and I doubt I'll ever see him again. However, there was something in his gaze that I couldn't resist staring at. It was as if his deep, brown, cold, and distant eyes were calling out to me, urging me to unravel the many mysteries hidden in his mind."

"Mind your own business." He said, coldly, before looking away and picking another drink. Wow. I did not expect that. But I should have. He's a stranger. A distant and cold stranger, surely he would act indifferently to me.

"Is it wrong to ask? A stranger is just worried." He scoffed.

"You shouldn't worry some stranger. What if I'm an evil person that wants to kidnap or kill you?"

"Are you?"paghahamon ko.

He approached me and we were now so close. Inches close. My breath hitched. "Let's see, stranger," he smirked. "And you woman shouldn't be talking to strangers. It can get you into severe trouble" and left me, speechless.

My brows furrowed as I followed him using my gaze on the counter to pay for his drink. He turned his attention to me when he felt my stare and glared at me before leaving.

Weird guy.

After I paid for the food I picked, I went back to the house and started cooking.
When I was done, I put it on the table and started eating. I was enjoying my food and scrolling through my social media and decided to add Sapphire and Natasha from Facebook and Instagram. I didn't get their surnames and searched for Amber instead and found them there.

The name of Natasha on Facebook is Natasha Kaira Campbell and her Instagram is Just_Natasha. Sapphire, her name on Facebook is Sapphire Rosemary Ellison and her Instagram is Blue_Sapphires.

When I was done eating, I washed the dishes went to the living room, and started watching television. In the middle of watching TV, the door opened and revealed Sapphire, Natasha, and Amber. They were holding some groceries and were sweating.

Sapphire heads to the couch and lies down and Natasha and Amber go to the kitchen to put some groceries on the table. I walk towards him to offer help.

"Kumain ka na ba?" Amber asked.

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