ii. the mountain at the edge of the world

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After abandoning their sandcastle and ridding themselves of sand as best they could, the girls walked back across the beach, swinging their laced hands as they approached a stack of boulders no higher than the tops of their heads. This was no great height, but it seemed one to the young girls, both of whom yearned for adventure. The mass of rock sat at the edge of the shore, caught between the sand and the water, but to the overactive minds of the girls it seemed as if it were resting at the edge of the world.

"What if we climbed it?" suggested the taller of the two mischievously. Her blonde hair whipped across her face in the presence of the wind that stirred their clothes and grabbed at the sand under their feet. Her amber eyes sparkled in the light of the setting sun, bright with a shimmer that only truly appears during the early years of youth. The girl's words were less a question and more a dare; an offering of fun that she knew her younger companion couldn't refuse. Her brown-haired friend offered her a gap-toothed grin in response before beginning the short journey to the top of the rocks, lending a helping hand to the blonde once or twice when she slipped due to the unstable contact of her sandy feet against the slick surface of the rocks.

After they reached the top, the two girls looked out at the ocean together, hands still interlocked for balance atop their slippery mountain. Though both were too young to fully appreciate the blending of colors in their surroundings, they could see that the evening sky was beautiful. The girls sat on the edge of the rock, gently swinging their feet in a mismatched rhythm and watching as the pink of the sky faded into dark oranges and deep reds. Two bright yellow flip-flops dangled from the brunette's toes while two bare feet swayed beside them over the side of the rock.

Occasionally the girls' legs would bump together, eliciting a small laugh, a shy smile, a sideways glance, a playful nudge, though neither of them really minded. Eyes would meet and then quickly part, timid blue meeting shining gold before once again turning to watch the glow of the sun disappear behind the gleaming sea. For a few moments, the world seemed to stop spinning, as if it were waiting for the two to enjoy the moment before it returned to its normal planetary duties. A light breeze blew the girls' hair together, mixing the light and the dark strands and twisting them together before blowing them away from each other again.

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