Chapter 20: The Breach and unexpected allies

Start from the beginning

"And that's how you're a good leader on your team?" Jaune asked. 

"Well, truth be told... I didn't think to see myself as a leader." Nick explained. "But that changed when I got higher up in the Ranks, but still..."

"Just remember Jaune, always look out for your team and they look after you." Nick added. "And when you combine your skills together you will always have the upper hand."

Jaune looked at the ground for a second before looking back at Nick with a confidant smile.

"Thanks Nick." Jaune said.

"Anytime man." Nick replied. "I'm always happy to help."

Flashback over!!

"We change our plans." Jaune said as the others looked to him. "Instead of going on our original mission, we head to the city and do our best to keep the Grimm at bay."

"That sounds like an awesome idea fearless leader!" Nora said. "Let's go stomp some grimm!"

Pretty soon team JNPR hopped onto their bullhead with Jaune telling the pilot to take them to the city center where all the commotion was. But as they were on, they're way to the city Pyrrha was a bit surprised that Jaune took action almost immediately after the alarms went off.

"Hey Jaune?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah Pyrrha?" Jaune said.

"Since when did you know how to take action?" Pyrrha asked.

"Oh well, I had Nick teach me on how I can improve myself to be a better leader." Jaune answered. "He is a good teacher."   

"Huh, interesting." Pyrrha said.

Meanwhile back in the emerald forest...

The large group of Marines from different time periods were pretty bored to say the least as they basically had nothing to do. Most of them were either just sitting around, having a snack, or looking over the vehicles they had with them. All in all, it was pretty boring just sitting down with nothing to do. But as they were getting used to the quite around them it was then shattered as they heard a big explosion go off in the distance. All the marines then turned to where the noise had come from and looked off in the distance to set a small bloom of gray smoke coming from the center of the city a mile away. 

The Colonel of the group then took of his binoculars and looked over the buildings and saw that dark creatures were coming out of a hole in the ground and attacking the city and civilians. 

"What's going on Colonel?" One of the marines asked. 

"I'm not sure." The colonel replied. Just then a siren in the distance was then heard shortly then after. "But it can't be good."

"Do we do something about it sir?" The marine asked as the colonel put down his binoculars and turned to the marine next to him.

"Get locked and loaded, were going to help those people." the colonel ordered.

"Yes sir!" The marine replied as he and the colonel ran back to the group. "EVERYONE GET TO YOUR VEHICLES! WERE GOING TO THE CITY!"

The big group didn't need to be told twice after hearing that as those who could get on vehicles did and the others just started running towards the city. Soon even some of the vehicles had marines riding on the outside of them and on them to save a little bit of time.

At the same time around the harbor of Vale...

A few minutes before the breach had begun a US Pennsylvania class super-dreadnought Battleship was just about to pull into the harbor. On the back of the battleship, it had the state name "Arizona" in black letters. This happened to be BB-39 USS Arizona, she and her crew were found by team RWBY, JNPR, and CVFY a little over a week ago and after they met, they were giving permission to dock at the Harbor of Vale to meet with Professor Ozpin at Beacon academy. 

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