Chapter 38,39,& 40(Don't worry, it's not that long)

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'I'm skipping most of this because it doesn't really matter,but this part will come into play when I show you the future;'

'Hahah,just look at this guy!'
'Who do you think you are?Butting into our conversation like that!'

Zeke:What's so special about the cripple getting his a*s handed to him like he always does?
'For once,I'm glad you asked,Zeke.But I'm not answering that now.Just wait a minute.'

Past John:You two should stop talking about others...And worry about yourselves.
'You must be joking!We'll talk about whoever we want!A cripple like you should learn to keep his mouth shut!Seraphina has already messed up twice!So it's only natural for us to discuss it!She's an embarrassment!And she calls herself a role model?'

'Says the one who gossips all day instead of doing something productive.God,I hate listening to her speak.'

Past John:Shut up,you're wrong!
Past Seraphina's 💭:Is he defending me?

John's 💭:She was that surprised?

Past John:What do you even do?Complain and gossip all day?Who cares what she does,or what grades she gets?You all know she's the most dedicated student here.Don't discredit her.
'SHUT UP ALREADY!Blah,blah,blah,keep rambling,you loser!Like I give a sh*t about what you think!You're so useless!You're just a waste of space.'

'She should really be saying that to someone more relevant,like herself.'


'Now,was that for what she said about her or what she said to John?Well,I like to think it was a little of both.

'Ugh..What the-?SERAPHINA?!
Past Seraphina:Who said you could touch my partner?
'A-Ah!I'm so sorry!I-I didn't mean to!

Past Seraphina:You didn't mean to?What about everything you just said?
'A-ah!I was only kidding!Please forgive me!I'll take it all back!I'm so s-sorry!'
Past Seraphina:Get lost.
'Ye-Yes!Right away!'

Past John:Uhm,thanks!
Past Seraphina:Come on.Let's get to work.

Past John:Hold on..I need to stop by the infirmary first.

'Well,that was very unwhelming..Let's move on to a burning question you all have been wondering for a while..And of course this is going to surprise you because you never thought it possible.But,any questions before we continue?'
Arlo:You said this has to due with the future.How?

'Good question.Well,even though it was well-deserved,that green-haired girl took that to heart.She still holds a grudge against Seraphina to this day.Let's just continue.'

John,you are truly extraordinary.Even as a cripple,you are able to push through other's prejudice and stand up for yourself.Even though you're at the bottom,you can break molds.You're an inspiration.Thank you.You've shown me that even the "weakest" person has something to offer.That no one is worthless.

*John is teleported out of the room*
Seraphina:What did you do with John?
'Don't worry,I just teleported him to another room for the time being.Now sure,what I showed you may be wholesome,but that doesn't mean there isn't any irony.There's some things John showed Seraphina that he doesn't even believe himself.Such as the last statement;No one is worthless.'
Seraphina:Wait,what do you mean?
'He wanted to believe it,and he may have even fooled himself for a while,but everyone around him has proved him wrong.Except Seraphina.Let me just show you.'

John's 💭:
Every day has been the same painful grind.Wake up.Go to school.Get beat up.And come home with nothing to look forward to.

Seraphina couldn't help but feel a bit guilty.He already was being sent to the infirmary everyday while she was around,she could only imagine how bad it was in her absence.She also felt a bit shocked at how much he had changed.This wasn't the positive John she knew.Just what had they done to him?

Why?Why do I have to put up with all this?

"What a loser!"
"Of course he's miserable now that he doesn't have Seraphina to leech off of!"
'Okay,where did you even get that idea from?If he was as desperate to make powerful friends as you claim he is,he would have sucked up to her when he met her,which he definitely did not.Of course he missed her.Not because she saves him when he gets into fights,but because she made everything bearable.'




John's 💭:THEY'RE ALL WORTHLESS!Those weaklings with no backbone..Who can't stand up for themselves!Those who call themselves "elites" use their power for the most petty things.They think that just because they have a little bit of power..They can do whatever they want!

Zeke:Oh,Johnny boy's mad?I'm so scared!
'Okay,first,let John do the mocking.He can do it better than you.And second,he's not wrong,you know.Rack your brain for all the times you used your power on someone you saw as below you.Exactly.Nearly all of you have abused your power countless times.'


Seraphina's 💭:Who is that girl?Does she know John somehow?
'I know what you're thinking.Let me answer it;That girl is..An..Old friend.In fact,her and John used to be best friends.Key word;Used to be.They left off on bad terms.'

*An image of Seraphina appears in John's mind.He stops punching the punching bag.*

'Now,what I gather from this is a metaphor;John only stopped using the punching bag when he remembered Seraphina.But if something happened to Seraphina or if she was gone,there would be nothing stopping him from punching the punching bag till long after he bloodied his knuckles.'

'Let's just skip some.'

*Isen is standing in the hallway,watching John as he walks by.*
Isen's 💭:!!!Arlo,I don't know what you're doing.But you're definitely getting results.He is...Starting to show his true colors.

'You've just turned him into no-gel John who hates everyone but Seraphina,but sure,"starting to show his true colors.".'
Seraphina's 💭:Arlo and Isen are in on this?What are they trying to do?
'Well,Seraphina,they're trying to push him back into "his place" in the hierarchy.They succeeded..But it did not go as expected..'
Some person:What the h*ll is that supposed mean?
'You can plan every detail meticulously,scheme after scheme after scheme,but if you make an error in judgement,it can cost you everything.What do I mean,you ask?Well,keep watching,and you'll find out!'

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