Chapter 35

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Arlo's 💭:Order is natural.The weak cower in fear of the strong.Those with similar status get along.And the strongest among us fight to rise to the top.Everyone gravitates to their rightful place in society.Thats why hierachy is natural.Because people naturally gravitate to where they belong.EXCEPT HIM.A weakling without fear.Where the hell does he belong?
*Open*John:What are you doing up here?
Arlo:That look...He's definitely different.Similar from that photo from two years ago.John,is this who you really are?It's about time.

Most minds:That looks like a class photo..And he definitely said he was homeschooled..'I know exactly what you're thinking.I won't confirm nor deny.At least until later.'

Arlo:I should be asking you that question.This area is for Royals only.Commoners like you shouldn't be here.You need to leave.
John:I'm here to eat my lunch.
Arlo:Maybe you didn't hear me.
John:This is where I always sit.
Arlo's 💭:This guy's attitude...Seriously throws me off...

A:You really aren't afraid of anything,are you?John:Well,what's there to be afraid of?You?
Arlo:Of course.I could crush you in an instant.
John:Sure,but you won't.
Arlo:Oh,and what makes you think that?
John:It's not worth it.Only sh*tty low tiers would ever go after a cripple.What could a King like you possibly gain from-
*Glare.*John:Please.There's nothing satisfying about beating up a bunch of idiots who are much weaker than you.

Isen's 💭:Hopefully he doesn't continue to treat him like this..Otherwise he could really get his a*s handed to him,and I don't know how I'd feel having a wild card like John as King..Much less there being a chance of reliving what happened at his old school..If he just leaves him alone,everything should be fine.

Arlo's 💭:How would you know?Unless you're speaking from personal experience?A:Hmph.You think you understand me,huh?*Crouch*A:Then let me ask you this.There's this one guy I know.With no credentials...Absolutely useless.Yet he still thinks he can talk back to me.He walks where I walk,and sits where I sit.It's really starting to tick me off.

Sera:If you dare insult John,Arlo,you'll have me to deal with!'You mean Asslo.'Asslo:Fork-Where's my fork?!'Oh,I confinstated all weapons.Although..'*A fork radiating with a navy blue aura cuts through the air,Asslo dodging it by the hair on his head.The distinct sound of the fork landing in the wall is heard.The fork dissapears and so does the hole that was previously in the wall.*
'Consider that a warning.'

A:If you were King,what would you do about him?
*Slurp*John:You should be grateful.
John:If you're able to keep all but one person in line,then you must be doing your job right.
Arlo's 💭:What's he talking about?!
John:After all,a King is nothing if his subjects refuse to follow him.*Up*
J:Welp,I finished my lunch.
Arlo's 💭:....?!What the hell is wrong with this guy?He completely missed my point!And not a single one of my threats fazed him.....

'Well,the rest of this is laggy and glitchy,as you can see,so we'll be continuing!We might as well skip the next one,it's just more of Sera being overworked and ridiculed..Nothing new.'
*Totally did not make the webtoon glitch out so they couldn't get suspicious yet..*

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