Chapter I

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"Enough! Enough you two, I don't want to hear another word

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"Enough! Enough you two, I don't want to hear another word." Aabharan loudly banged his fist on the table, the glass jug of orange juice shook in its vessel, the water filled glasses stirring along.

"Bhai I-" Ayesha looked at her older brother with her honey coloured eyes, glossy, she wanted to explain herself, her reason for fighting. Her older brother shushed her down before she could say a word, his furious glare was enough to quite her, making Swarnima smirk, it did not go unnoticed by Ayesha, who again, didn't dare to open her mouth and gave a sassy reply in front of Aabharan.

Well to Swarnima's bad luck her smirk was observed by Abharan, who spoke in a all work voice, "Swarnima don't misbehave with your sister."

"She's not-" Swarnima wanted scream loudly, she wanted to tell the world that how much she hated Ayesha, and how she was not their sister. Much to her dismay, their older sibling raised his hand to shut her down.

Aabharan had a aura of power and authority surrounding him, no wonder both his sisters listened to him without a single complaint. Swarnima was definitely a difficult one, she had to argue for everything that supported or was in favour of the youngest Dewan. Ayesha she was anything but shadow of the oldest sibling, she listened to him without a single objection every single time, she not only respected Aabharan as her brother, but as her Guru, she worshipped him.

Deep down, Aabharan loved her more than Swarnima, he kissed the dirt of the path she walked on.  He considered her as his daughter, he had raised her after all.

"Ahem. Ayesha." Aabharan cleared his throat, and glanced at his youngest sister who rubbed a few tears of her eyes and looked up at him. "Before leaving for your school, meet me in study."

"Yes bhai." She mumbled, sightly nodding at him.

The trio had their breakfast quietly, just the sounds of cutlery tapping on the plates and the cups and glasses being kept on the table.

"What's wrong?" Aabharan asked Ayesha, who entered the study after knocking twice.

"Nothing bhai." She looked down at dark brown study table which had a few files, a charcoal coloured pen holder with expensive pens in it, a MacBook and a few papers with fine text printed on them. Aabharan stood up from his chair and walked to the little girl, her reply was not something he wanted, he needed the truth, he knew that she wouldn't speak against their sister, but he still expected her to say the real thing which keeps their bickering active every single day, every single moment they were together.

"Are you guilty of something?" Aabharan with his pointer finger raised her chin up.

She peeked through her eyelashes, even after having her chin raised to her height, she couldn't meet the eyes of her over six feet tall brother. The emotional less dark brown orbs with golden slashes in them, held warmth in this time and the child inside her couldn't control her emotions and started to pour down the tears.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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