"Of course not. I've kind of got a thing for someone else," Harry grins.

"Oh?" Louis smirks.

"So don't worry."

"I'm not worried," Louis whispers hotly in Harry's ear making him shiver.

"Thank you, thank you all, for your time and attention," Senator Vega says.

As the reporters disperse, Louis approaches Senator Vega of to one side.

"Louis! So good to see you, my friend," Senator Vega says cheerfully.

"Same to you, Adam. This is my assistant, Harry. He's a fan," Louis says.

Harry shoots Louis a sideways look and shakes Senator Vega's hand, "An honor to meet you."

"And what do I owe the pleasure of having you both?" Senator Vega questions.

"Well, we've got some business to discuss," Louis says.

"What flavor of business."

"Your favorite flavor," Louis replies.

Senator Vega glances subtly at Harry, silently asking Louis if it's safe to discuss such things in front if him.

"He's safe. And an integral part of the situation," Louis says, "I'll cut to the chase. Someone or something, attacked Harry's best friend Niall."

"Sorry to hear that, Harry," Senator Vega frowns.

"He would have died... if I hadn't Turned him," Louis says.


"I'm going to petition the Council for an exception. To grant him my next spot in advance."

"I see..." Senator Vega says.

"It was an emergency, Adam. You see my dilemma," Louis says.

"Of course. Anyone with a heart would have done the same," Senator Vega says, "However... in this politically delicate time, you know the Council rarely grants petitions like that. And as sad as this situation is, Turning him only created more problems. For you."

"But... It's my fault! I'm the one who asked Louis to Turn him... He... and Niall... shouldn't be punished for that," Harry speaks up desperately.

Vega just smiles and nods his head patiently, "Harry, I appreciate your passion. Where would the world be without it? But this is a tricky line to walk with the Council. And that has nothing to do with you, nor does it take away from your clear devotion for your friend, which I applaud."

"Don't applaud it, just vote-"

"I think what's done is done, and sadly, it doesn't matter how it came to be," Louis says cutting Harry off.

"I'm sorry, Louis. Supporting you in this... I'd pay too high a cost."

Vega takes a step away then stops.

"Unless, that is, you have a mutually beneficial solution in mind."

"I may indeed. In fact, I came out here tonight to discuss a possible contribution to your super PAC," Louis says.

"Ah yes, that's still very early, we're just getting set up," Vega grins.

"Would a contribution help you? A substantial contribution," Louis says.

"I think it might. Very generous of you, Louis," Vega says.

"More than happy to do it."

Another pause as they wait for Vega to return the favor with a commitment to vote 'yes' on Niall's petition... but he doesn't.

"How else can I help?" Louis asks.

"Well, I'm glad you asked. There is another vote coming up in the Council on which I would appreciate your support. As you know, the Feral problem is getting out of hand. Even the humans are getting suspicious. Too many random attacks. Too many sightings," Vega says angrily, "It's clear to me that we need a more... aggressive solution."

"And what did you have in mind?" Louis asks.

"We can't keep waiting for the Clanless to go bad and then clean up the mess. we need to strike first," Vega says sternly, "We've been letting them thrive and grow in the shadows for too long. We need to go on the offensive."

"You want to kill them? Just for being Clanless?" Harry asks agrily.

"Harry..." Louis warns.

"I'm sorry if this is inappropriate but I just have to say something. May I speak to you Louis?"

"Yes.. Excuse us, Senator," Louis says.

"Of course, take a moment," Vega replies.

Vega steps away with his phone for a moment while Harry steps closer to Louis.

"You can't let him hunt the Clanless," Harry frowns.

"Harry, please. I don't think it will come to that, but I'll need to voice my support for it in order to get his vote on Niall," Louis says gently, brushing a strand of hair away from Harry's forehead.

"It's not right!"

"No, baby, it isn't. But it's necessary," Louis says sadly.

The three of them all come together again.

"So do I have your support, Louis?" Vega questions.

"...You do," Louis replies.

"Thank you. And for your contribution as well. Deeply appreciated," Vega says.

"So we can count on your vote for Niall's petition? You'll approve him joining my clan?" Louis questions.

Vega smiles, his teeth dazzling, and clasps Louis' shoulder, "Who would I be to turn my back on a vampire in need? Now then. I have a fundraiser I absolutely have to go to. Thanks for coming by. And it was a real pleasure meeting you, Harry, considering the circumstances."

He raises Harry's hand to his lips, giving it a delicate, courtly kiss.

"You too," Harry lies.

Vega walks off, leaving Harry and Louis in the doorway.

"So. We got his vote," Louis tries.

"That was..."


"It was wrong," Harry says angrily.

"Deals with Vega often are," Louis says, "Only three hundred years ago, he was a Spanish lord who was famous for his cruelty and tyranny. He learned to put forward a compassionate face, but bargains with him are always weighed in blood. We are now in his debt. Which is a terrible place to be."

"But the Clanless" Harry protests.

"Whatever attack he's proposing is a way off. And there are many things we can do before then," Louis reassures, "In the meantime, a cautious celebration is in order. We only need one more vote for Niall."

A/N: Idk if any of what I wrote makes any freaking sense because it's passed midnight and I'm so tireddd😭. Anyways here UniPro1224 I ended up updating Bloodbound after all 😝.

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