28: Family Relationships

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"Well, you said to get him cool. So that's what I did."

"Yeah, I get it. You were being a good Papa. But back to your parents. Are you okay with them never meeting him now that they know he exists and have seen him?"

"Harry, I want my parents to want him in their lives. Both of them. My mother did want to see him that night, but my dad didn't like it. I don't want to be the reason my parents start arguing. I just don't. So until he gets it together, nobody can. I know it's selfish but it is what it is."

Harry stood behind him, then wrapped his arms around him.

"It's not really as selfish as you think because you're thinking long term. Not just for your parents but for Benjamin too. They have to be ready for this. Otherwise inviting them in his life could be dangerous and upsetting for him. So I want you to know you have my support in whatever you do."

Zayn turned around in Harry's arms.

"Wow. I'm surprised you didn't ask if they wanted to meet you."

"I don't care whether or not they want to meet me if they don't want to meet my son. Besides, I don't need them to meet me. I loved you even when I never met them in high school. Remember?"

"I do remember."

"Good then. So that's all that matters."

When he pecked Zayn's lips, Zayn smiled.

Harry smiled too.

"You feel very tense. I would like to do something to loosen you up and take your mind off of all this negativity."

"Like what?"

"Like... something that involves my mouth and that thing in your pants."

"With Benjamin in the house?"

"Have you ever played the quiet game before?"

"I'm guessing it's where you suck my dick and I have to be quiet the whole time so we don't wake Benjamin from his nap?"


"Bingo? I thought we were playing the quiet game."

"Ha." He said and he tucked two fingers inside Zayn's wasteband and started to back up towards the kitchen entrance, pulling Zayn along with him.

"I was trying to eat, you know."

"I know. But you want this more. Trust me."

As Harry was pulling him along, he nodded slightly. Harry was right. He did want this more than the sandwich he just made. There was hardly ever a time where he didn't want Harry more than anything. Except for this time. Because this time he just wanted his father to finally come around.

➡️ ➡️ ➡️

It was Monday evening and Harry had returned home from the office. When he walked in the door, Niall was stretched out across the couch.

"Hi, how was everything?"

Niall sat up and put his feet on the ground.


"Where's Benjamin?"


"All by himself?"

"Well, you did say his father told you he was a big boy."

"True. How long has he been in there though?"

"He just went in there about thirty seconds before you came in, actually. I'll go check on him if he takes too much longer. Don't worry."

"Uh... huh."

Harry sat down next to Niall with a heavy sigh.

"How was your day?" Niall asked.

"Pretty meh. Had to report someone who wrote to me and threatened to beat me up because I am a male who can get pregnant."

That's pretty sick and discriminatory."

"Absolutely. But what can you do with these idiots except report them?"

"And good thing you did."

"Yeah. I guess days like this do remind me sometimes that people like me are lucky to have friends and loved ones in our lives that embrace our differences."

"Like me. I swear you're so cool. You're like the male seahorses of humans."


"What? You don't find that funny?"

"No, it's funny. Our conversation just made me think about Liam. He's right, you know. The world needs more education on this topic. Maybe the more people who are educated, the less people will try to demonize people like me as if I were some freak."

"Interesting thought. We'll find out after you get your book published."

"Yes. We will. And speaking of publishing it, I need to ask you for a favor."

"Sure. Anything."

"I have a meeting with a publishing company this Wednesday at three o'clock. That's when we'll discuss deals, payment plans and even offical release dates. But I can't take Benjamin to that meeting. He'll be too distracting. So I was wondering if you could babysit that day. I wish I could have gotten a morning appointment but apparently three o'clock was all they had. So I had to settle for that."

"Eh... I know I said I'd do anything. But I can't do that. Not because I don't want to. But because I genuinely can't."

"You don't have to explain why you can't, Niall. I'll just find someone else. It's no big deal."

"But it is sort of a big deal. See, the reason I can't babysit is because I'm finally going to see that family therapist with my parents."

Harry gasped.

"You are?"

"Yes. Starting this Wendesday at two o'clock and every Wednesday at two o'clock after that. I didn't really want to at first. But since I first said I didn't, you and Zayn have gotten together and solved your problems by talking to each other and finding out what you really feel. You're doing well and you're both happy. I want that, Harry. I want with my parents what Benjamin has with you and Zayn. I used to have it when I was younger and I miss it."

Harry admired him softly. "Well I think what you're doing is amazing. It takes bravery to do that. And I strongly believe it will help your relationship with them."

"I sure hope so. If it doesn't and I still hate them when it's over, at least I know I have you to let me stay."

He hummed.

"Well, I still don't like that that you think you hate your parents. But either way, you can always count on me."

"So does that mean I can spend this whole weekend with you then?"

Now he laughed quietly.

"Sure. If you just want to."

"Awesome. I'm going to check on Benjamin real quick."

As Niall got up and left the room, Harry smiled to himself. He was so happy for Niall. This was a big step he was taking. And because he finally found the courage to take it, Harry hoped nothing but for things to return to the way Niall wanted them to be.

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