Chapter 10

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Twenty minutes in the car ride, I was trying my best not to lose my mind but the car ride was too damn quiet. I hated quiet car rides. Whenever it was too quiet, I would become restless and fidgety. I needed conversations or even music. It was almost mandatory. If it was a fifteen minute car ride, I could live without it. However, given the fact we were going to be in the car for two hours, I was losing it.

Feeling eyes on me, I looked up. Bucky watching me through the rearview mirror. Biting my lip, I looked out the window, trying not to make eye contact with him. I began to bite at my thumb to distract my anxiety from rising. I took notice he placed his arm along the window and stared ahead. I turned to the window again, but I couldn't take it anymore. It was too damn quiet.

Clearing my throat, I stood up and reached for the radio. Steve frowned at me. "What are you doing?"

"I hate quiet awkward car rides. So, unless we are going to be talking during this road trip, we're listening to the radio." I turned on the radio, looking for a station that was playing the modern hit songs.

Steve shook his head, "Please, not these songs."

"We're not in the 40's, Rogers. You got to get used to this kind of music."

"I know, but I can't listen to these songs for two hours."

"Oh, come on, Steve, it's just for the background."

"Sit back," Bucky instructed me.


"Sit back," he ordered again, emphasizing each word to show it wasn't a suggestion.

I moved back to my seat. "Alright, one of you change the station then."

"If I'm in charge of the radio, I'll pick a station that plays 40's music."

"I'm there with you on that," Steve chuckled. "Or Marvin Gaye."

I got up again to change the station. Bucky glowered at me as he watched me lean forward to reach the radio. He stretched his arm out in front of me as if to secure me in case I were to fall forward. "Alright, how about this station? It plays a little bit of everything for you old timers to enjoy. Not exactly 40's music, but it'll play some mellow songs enough to please your ears. Sound good?"

Steve listened to the song. "Alright, seems fair enough. Bee Gee's right?"

"Look at you, Rogers, going with the times," Natasha teased, making Steve smirk at her from the rearview mirror.

"Okay, we settled on a station. Sit down and buckle your seatbelt."

I had to admit, I thought it was adorable Bucky was caring about my safety. I sat back down. "I'm surprised you know the Bee Gee's, Steve."

"Well, the internet helps. Also, people usually give me things to check out. Bee Gee's were one of them."

"Do you still listen to 40's music?"

"Of course," Steve answered. "Do you know any?"

"She doesn't," Bucky stated.

I tilted my head to the side. "And why don't I?"

"You said you didn't know any when you were with George," Bucky pointed out.

"Wow, you really loved eavesdropping on us. And for the record, I don't know many but I know a few."

"Like who?" Steve chuckled.

"Doris Day, Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra," I listed. "Ooh, Julie Garland!"

"She was an actress."

"She also sings, James. So, she counts." The corner of Bucky's lip twitched at my attitude. "Natasha, can imagine these two going to a club? Like seriously, can you just imagine the awkward judgement that would happen there?"

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