Chapter 9

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When I woke up, I didn't understand what I dreamt about. It wasn't a memory, but it felt like I was actually in the room with Steve and Bucky. I was able to sense what Bucky was feeling and even his thoughts as if they were my own. The more I thought about the dream, the more I started to wonder if it was a new ability that I was getting. The problem is, I didn't even understand what kind of power that would be. Was it a vision? Is it a type of upgrade to my empathic power? I had no idea.

After I brushed my teeth and hair, I went downstairs to the kitchen to make some coffee. Steve was already downstairs eating a bowl of cereal while Natasha was eating a bagel.

"Morning," I said as I grabbed the kettle to heat up some water.

"Morning," Natasha greeted. "I was about to come up to your room."

"I thought I should come down here for a change."

Natasha smiled, approvingly. "Do you want half of my bagel?"

"Sure. Who want's coffee?"

Steve raised his hand. I looked at Natasha, who nodded. I grabbed the coffee tin, along with the coffee press. Steve began, "So, Bucky told me that you two had a sushi date after all."

I turned to him, pausing what I was doing. "Really? Did he tell you that this morning?"

"He came into my room quarter till eleven."

Last night... I thought as I remembered my weird dream. "What did you two talk about?"

"He heard us talking when we were training. I don't think he can accept the fact that you actually don't hate him."

I ran my fingers through my hair as I thought about the dream from last night. It wasn't a dream. I actually saw what was happening with Bucky and Steve while I was asleep. I questioned in my mind, What kind of power is that?

"Sounds like Barnes has a crush on you," Natasha nudged me out of my train of thought.

I cleared my throat and started scooping the coffee grounds in the coffee press. "We should really tell Tony it's better to buy coffee beans instead of grounds. It taste better when it's freshly grounded."

Feeling Natasha's eyes on me made me a little uncomfortable, but I tried my best to ignore her. From the corner of my eye, I saw her smirk. "And from the way you're blushing, someone has a crush on Barnes too."

I glared at Natasha. "It's not like that."

"Then, what is it like?"

I shrugged, "I don't know."

"It's okay if you do," Steve said. "There's no rule that an Avenger can't date another Avenger."

I raised my eyebrow at him, "Since when was I a part of the team?"

"Would you want to be?"

I pursed my lips as I thought about it. "I don't know. I never really thought about it before. Plus, working with Tony seems stressful."

"He's not so bad," Steve informed. "Trust me, he's just a pain in the beginning, but he's a good man. I didn't get along with him either, but he will lay his life down for the greater good."

I took a bite of the bagel. "We'll see what happens." Once the kettle was ready, I poured the hot water into the coffee press. "So, is Bucky an avenger too?"

"Why? You don't want to be one if he isn't?" Natasha teased. I rolled my eyes at her playfully. "Barnes is considered part of the team. The government granted Barnes a pardon as long as he remains under Steve's care. Even with that agreement, the government is still trying to find a reason to put him away. We send him out on a few missions so that it could help his case, but he needs to mostly remain on a low profile. If he were to disappear, the government will hunt him down and place him under arrest."

The Soldier's Luna (Bucky Barnes x OC)Where stories live. Discover now