cubs new understanding of why she is a little

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i now am coming to understand why i am a little. i have always thought, i have no real reason for why i want to be a little and treated like a baby, but i now have come to grips with my reason and accept it. i am a little because i have abandonment issues. now i know what your thinking, okay were you adopted? did one of your parents leave? no to both of those. 

abandonment can come in many different ways, theres emotional abandonment, when you are forced to be alone or when you are isolated. i have always been forced to be alone and have always been isolated. never having any real connection to people, not even the ones in my home. i have never been able to invite friends over and no one has offered to come take me anywhere, i have had very few relationships so i have not been able to get out of the house much. from six years old until now, my ownly human interactions have been strictly school and internet almost. i have parents that are both mentally scewed, even though they deny it. so now i understand my reason for being a little, and i embrace that reason and i will love that reason for bringing me to where i am. to wanting the things i want. i am not ashamed of what i love. and i will always call my daddy dom dean, daddy, proudly and with a smile. because he may just save me from this word that i was forced to call friend.  :) 

every little has their own reason and once you find that reason you can better understand yourself and how to keep people from hurting you. no reason is a dumb reason, my main reason i had before this discovery was "because i feel like it, and it seems fun". so never say, well maybe i am not a little because i am not able to say i am a little because of this. or because of that.  you don't have to have a specific origin, and if you do, then its yours. all littles are unique, just like everyone else in all life. and i hope all of you find a way to be happy and someone that will love and care for you as much as you need them to :) 

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