Chapter 1

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When Valentina was 2 her mom ran away with her to protect her from the mafia. She left behind 6 sons and a husband. They were all mad that she did this and as much as it hurt Isabella she knew she had to protect her only baby girl. She loved Alfonso and her children but she knew they would do better without a weakness to the mafia and the family. She also knew that if she would leave with her daughter no danger would come to her.

She took Valentina and ran away to the states hoping that it was far enough. She lives in Phoenix Arizona where they met Michael two years later. At first he appeared to be nice and friendly. In the year they knew him he became controlling and abusive. He would abuse Isabella only but then he also started abusing Valentina. But it was mostly just her mother.

Valentina is now 16 years old, she goes to highschool and works at a cafe afterschool. She tries to spend most of her time out of the apartment so she doesn't have to see him. Her mom works until 9pm unlike Val who works until 10pm.


Valentina's POV

You know when you wake up and you just want to go back to sleep. Forever. Well I wish that That's because Michael likes to make sure my and my mom's life is a living hell.

My mom didn't have a choice in becoming his "girlfriend". He forced her into this relationship after he saw her out once and convinced her to go out on a date. At first he seemed to be a nice guy. After being with him for a year she saw his true colors. He started to threaten her if she wanted to take me and leave. He would tell her that if she even tried to leave him he would kill me.

Anyways I get up and dreadfully get out of bed and go to the bathroom to get ready. I start the shower so it can heat up in the meantime I brush out my hair and take off my clothes.

After a warm shower I got dressed in my school outfit. Afterwards, I put on some mascara, lip-gloss, and highlighter. I put my hair up in a bun and lastly, I wore the necklace my mom gave me on my 10th birthday. She said that it was her necklace before but she wanted to give it to me.

I get ready to leave my room and I haven't heard Michael so far which only means he's not here right now. When I came out of my room I confirmed that he wasn't home because my mom was making me breakfast.

"Good Morning mom" I said with a smile.

"Good Morning Val. Do you have work after school today?" she asked me while handing me a plate of scrambled eggs and toast on the side.

"Yeah, I work till 10 today...Will you be okay?" I work at a cafe after school almost every day and the whole day on weekends. That's how I can afford things like my phone, clothes and art supplies.

If it was up to me I would spend my money on my mom but she insists I spend it on myself. I still help her pay for the bills for the apartment. She also has a job, but what she gets sometimes isn't enough to pay the bills so I also help out.

"Yeah I'll be fine Val. Go on. Go to school." For some reason I don't believe her because she tells me this everyday and everyday I come back and find out Michael hurt her. 

"Okay, bye mom." I hurry and get out so I can catch the city bus.

"Bye Val. I love you." I hear her yell as I am going out the door and making my way to the bus stop.

Time skip (Arriving at school)

When I get to school I like to stay quiet and mind my own business. I get to school around 7:45. School doesn't start until 8:00. It took me around five minutes to get to my class.

When I get there I see that the teacher is already in and preparing to start class. I get in and sit at my desk and take out my book and start reading. At eight the bell rang and class started, I put my book away and paid attention even though I know everything they're teaching.

(I don't think anybody really wants to hear about classes and school so I'm going to skip that and go straight to lunch)

It's finally lunch. I got my food and was reading my book when some bitch spilled milk all over my food. I was glad it didn't get on the book but really, my food. I barely eat at home anyways.

I look up and see Claire, the popular girl/queen bee.

"What the fuck was that for?" I asked her in the calmest voice I could manage. I could see fear in her eyes for a second.

"It's too bad I missed your book, that's what I was aiming for nerd. There's a place for reading and that's the library. You're at my table." She said this while chewing gum and it was really bothering me at this point.

"One. If you got it on my book I would've killed you already. Two. I don't see your name anywhere on this table, so how exactly is it yours?" I calmly told her.

"I sit here almost everyday. It's my table. And you wouldn't dare touch me."

"Wanna bet" I said while putting my book away in my backpack and getting up.

She touched me first by dragging me by my shirt collar and the second she touched my shirt I punched her in her face and side kicked her in her stomach.

Everybody knows not to mess with me, she obviously didn't get the memo. I may be a quiet person but we all have that rebellion faze. That was freshman year for me. From then everybody knew not to mess with me.

I was picking up my bag when a teacher came to me and sent me to the principal's office talking about how it's rude and should've never happened.

I go to the principal's office and without knocking or even paying attention to the receptionist outside, I walk in and take a seat.

"Valentina what are you doing here?" Mr.Larson said. I have a pretty good relationship with the principal. Because of freshman year I saw him quite often.

"I got sent here cause some bi... Claire decided that she wanted to start a problem." I proceeded to tell him what happened when he got a call. As he was answering he looked shocked. He then looked at me with sympathetic eyes and that's when I knew something was wrong.

I wait for him to hang up to ask him what's wrong.

"Hey Val, it's your mom." My heart dropped when he said that. No, no, no. Michael wouldn't hurt her that bad. Would he?

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER? WHAT HAPPENED?" At this point I'm panicking. I don't know what to do without her. Something can't happen to her.

"Okay Val, pay attention to me and take deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale." I didn't realize I was having a panic attack. My heart beat came back to normal and I looked at Mr. Larson. "Okay good. Listen to me. What I'm going to tell you is going to be hard for you."

"Okay, spit it out already...please"

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