Dylan could feel her heart-beat in her head as the pilot announced that the plane had landed. She texted her Aunt letting her know, waiting for the time to get out of her seat. She felt gross, sitting in a humid plane always made her body feel sticky. She threw her bag on her back, walking out of the plane. The airport was bigger than she remembered, she started to panic, not finding her family. She starting tapping her fingers together, searching the crowd before her eyes landed on a familiar lanky, dark haired boy, with his mother who looked just like her dad. She smiled at the two of them, before walking towards them and embracing them in a group hug.

"Demi, you're so big now!" She said as she pulled away and realizing she had to look up at him, his eyes rolling as she did so. The last time she had seen him, she was taller than him.

"Yeah, I guess, You're just same old Lyn." He said and smiled. She rolled her eyes playfully at the nickname he gave her when they were young as she gave her aunt another hug. She and her aunt talked the whole way to the baggage area, where Dylan and Demetri both grabbed one of her heavy suitcases (to which Demetri complained about having to carry all the way to the car). When they got her suitcases in the car and settled in, the sun began to set. She hadn't seen a California sunset since she was a young girl. Her aunt pulled out of the parking lot and getting on the road, heading to her new home.

   When they drove to the house, she smiled. The memories flooding in her head remembering the Christmases she spent with her family almost every year as a young girl. They all walked to the front door, before opening it and walking in. She smiled, looking at the photos on the walls and seeing a few with Demetri when they were younger next to their other cousins. Then seeing a few of all their family at a family reunion, even with her mom. She had a bittersweet feeling in her, before walking away from it and following Demetri into her new room. It was simple, white walls with white bedding and few decorations, but she knew that with the money her dad had given her before she left, she could decorate it on her own.

"Okay kids," her Aunt said as she walked into the room with them, now in her scrubs "I have to go to work. It's so great seeing you again sweetie. I'll see you guys tomorrow." She kissed Dylan's head along with Demetri's (making him bend down), and walking out. Demetri looked at her and smiled, before speaking.

"I have a friend coming over soon so you're good right? The bathroom is just down the hall by the way. I'm getting a pizza too so I'll let you know when it's here." He said. She simply nodded in response. Demetri closed the door and Dylan looked around the room. She sat down on the bed and texted her dad letting him know she was there, before realizing she needed to shower. Bad. She smelled her tank-top, wrinkling her nose. She knew she smelled bad from the flight, but she didn't realize how bad it was.

"Gross." She said to herself as she grabbed one of the towels laying on the bed and grabbing some of her toiletries. She locked the door and turned on the shower and stepped in, letting the warm body hit her skin. She sighed and washed her sticky body. She washed her hair too, before stepping out and looking at herself in the mirror. As much as she wished she didn't, all she saw was her mom. While her father, her aunt, and Demetri all had the same dark brown hair and similar lanky figures, she had her mother's facial features, along with the same dirty blonde hair and short, squatty body. She hated that for herself, especially for her dad. As much as she hated thinking about the woman, she missed her everyday. Her mom pretty much dropped off the face of the Earth when she left, not trying to even contact her only daughter. She sighed, trying to make herself stop thinking about the woman. She finished drying off and went to grab her new clothes in the mess left on the floor.

"Shit." She mumbled to herself as she realized she forgot her clothes in her room. She grabbed her clothes from the floor, and unlocked the door, making sure the coast was clear before quickly walking towards her room. It was more down the hall then she remembered, having to walk in front of the living room to get back to it. She was staring down at her feet, so she wasn't watching as she bumped into someone. She felt her face turn red in embarrassment of her towel almost dropping, before looking at the boy she walked into. She remembered him being the boy who would be hanging out with Demetri when they were on the phone, and one of his only friends, Eli. He didn't realize who he bumped into, and when his eyes met hers, his face turned a deep red, before mumbling 'sorry' over and over, putting his face closer to his mouth, hiding something that looked like a scar.

CURRENTLY UNDER RE-WRITE Stupid For You [E. 'Hawk' Moskowitz]Where stories live. Discover now