I'll Miss You

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Three more years had passed. Kakashi and I were now 12 years old. I'd been around the village learning what jutsus I could. Kakashi was depressed again. Obito's funeral had been a week ago. I was doing my best to be strong.

There was a knock on my door. I threw a kunai at the target I'd hung above my desk. Nuffle's head popped up looking at the door.

"Come in." I said raising my voice.

Kakashi slid the door open. He closed it behind him and sat on my bed. I picked up another kunai and threw it at the target.

"I remember when I got you those kunai." He reminisced.

"We were 5." I said throwing another.

"I had such a big crush on you." He smiled.

I smirked. "Yeah, I had an even bigger one on you."

"You should of seen the look on the shopkeeper's face when a 5 year old boy asked for a dozen black kunai with pink ribbon handles." He chuckled.

"I would've loved to have seen that." I giggled.

"Can we go to the pond?" He asked shyly.

This took me by surprise. We'd been so busy that we hadn't been to the pond in a while. Not to mention that Kakashi seemed to be pushing me away for the past few years.

I nodded and got up. I told Nuffle to stay home. Following Kakashi we left the house running towards the woods. I was barely able to keep up with him.

We got to the clearing and I looked around. The sun was setting and there were dragonflies galore. Kakashi turned to me pulling his pendant from his shirt. I smiled and pulled mine from my shirt. Kakashi stared at me for a moment and pulled down his mask. He leaned in placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. I felt myself blush.

"I still feel the same as I did all those years ago you know." He whispered.

He walked over to our tree and hopped up on the lowest branch. He motioned for me to join him smoothly I jumped landing softly on the branch. He leaned against the tree holding his arms out to me. I walked over wrapping my arms around him resting my head against his chest.

"I don't know if there is any way I can make up for how I've treated you these past few years." He sighed. "You took care of me and did your best to love me no matter how unlovable I was. I guess that my only hope is that maybe one day you'll forgive me. I'm sorry, Shiro."

I took comfort in Kakashi's arms and his words. "It's ok, Kakashi." I started. "I have no reason to forgive you. I did what I did for one reason only. I'd never take any of it back. I'd do it all the same if I had to go back."

Kakashi sighed burying his face in my hair. "Thank you." He whispered softly.

"How is your eye?" I asked a bit worried.

"It's almost completely healed." He answered staying in the same position.

"I need to tell you something." I said sadly.

I stepped back separating from him. I sat on the branch sighing with anxiety. There was no way he was going to be happy after this.

"Ok." He said joining me.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." I just let the words escape my mouth.

"On a mission?" He asked looking at me.

I kept my gaze on the ground bellow us. "By myself. I'm unsure for how long. I talked to the Hokage and my parents. I've saved up a lot of money. I'll be going on my own journey. I trained with all of the clans I could in this village. I'm still not strong enough."

"I'll pack my bag then." Kakashi said as if he were going with me.

"No, Kakashi." I sighed. "Like I said I'll be by myself. I'll return one day. When I do I'll come find you. I promise." Tears filled my eyes.

Kakashi sniffled beside me. He was crying so sorrowfully. Pulling him to me I held him tight.

"Just wait for me. I'll be back before you know." I whispered.

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