Nine|| "I've missed you"

Start from the beginning

(you're running away ... you're running away from my sister)

"I'm not!" I yelled

"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Josie asked

"Nothing" Lizzie lied

"It's obviously something if you guys are talking in Italian and don't want me to hear it." Josie says

"It's nothing" Lizzie says in a almost whisper.

"Yeah...nothing." I said

"diglielo, so che la ami"
(tell her, i know you love her)

Lizzie was really pushing my buttons.

"And what if I don't?" I asked her

By this time josie had walked over to the dining room.

"You do."

"I don't."

"You do."

"Okay fine! Sono così fottutamente innamorato di tua sorella e voglio solo farlo muori quando la vedo con quella scimmia! Are you happy now?" I asked before leaving out.

Lizzie POV

"Well I was right." I smiled at myself.

I looked over at Josie and she looked as if she just seen a ghost.

"What's wrong?" I asked her

"I should tell you that I had a Italian girlfriend" Josie says which made me raise a eye brow.

"What?" I asked

Josie sighed..

"I knew what half of you guys was saying seeing as Hope and I had a thing going and there was no way I was living the rest of my life with her just for her to talk shit in Italian leaving me clueless" Josie assured.

"So you planned on living the rest of your life with Hope?" I raised my eye brow

"I did, and now I'm rethinking my choices, I mean...I'm with finch so me and Hope couldn't even get back together, not that I still have feelings for her or anything" Josie says as she got up to throw her napkin away after she ate her last bite of her donut

"You do have feelings for her." I smirked

"Mm, I'm going back up stairs." She says as she folded her arms

The door bell rung.

"I'll get it." Josie says

She was willing to do anything yo relief the awkwardness.

Josie POV

I opened the door to reveal Hope..again.

"What's up?" I asked

"I have to tell you something when I get back...and you are going to listen." She demanded

"I am? Says who?" I asked in a sarcastic tone

She seemed really nervous. "Says me.." she says before turned around to walk off

"So that's the only reasoning for you coming back up knock on this door?" I asked

She paused before turning back around and walking up to me.

She leaned up to kiss my cheek.

"I'll see you later safe"


"Promise me?"

"I promise." I assured

"Good." Hope says before she walked away.

I missed her...a lot.

Hope POV

It was around that time and I was there to help my cousin.

"I've missed you." Cece says which made me turn around

"Hey's really you." I said before I embraced her with a hug.

"Yup it's really me...and after tonight I will be back for good." Cece says

"What the hell were you thinking when you decided to fake your death?" I asked as I slapped her upside her head.


"It was for your own I can put my uncle in jail..and now that Alaric is will get better." Cece smirked


"So how's my beautiful girlfriend?" Cece asked with the brightest smile.

"Uhh—well, she's far as I know..she moved on Cece." I admitted

"WHAT?" I could hear the pain in her voice

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