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Hope POV

I don't know what I did but I was being held accountable for murder.

"So, we have you on tape... you murdered Alaric saltzman." The detective says

"Wow... I should be able to remember something like that." I said with a smirk

That's when my dad entered the room.

"Hope don't say another word... we are leaving." My dad says

I smirked at the officer.

"Good day" I said to him in a sarcastic voice.

When we got to the car my dad seemed like he was in a rush.

"What's the rush for?" I asked my dad as he got into the car.

I got in and shut the door.

"I was on my way to the hospital." He says

"That reminds me go visit grandma... thanks for the reminder." I said as I put my safety belt on.

"How does that— never mind.. I have to get to the hospital and you are coming with me." He says

"I am?" I asked

"Your brother is being delivered right now." He says

"Great... what's his name?" I asked sarcastically

"We still haven't decided yet." He says

The rest of the ride I didn't say anything to my father.

I knew he had paid someone off for me to not go to jail for that long but it was nothing he hasn't done before.

When we got to the hospital he rushed straight to the room and I just sat in the waiters room.

Maybe I should go speak to my mom..

When I did decide to go to my moms room I didn't see her there.

"mom?" I called

Soon I heard noise from the bathroom.

I knocked on the door and she came out which made me jump.

"Mom! You scared me." I said

"Yeah... I'm sorry... wha t are you doing here?" She asked

"What do you mean? A girl can't come see her mother that she hasn't had in her life for 17 years?" I asked

"What?... I mean... sure you can." She says

"Why are you so fidgety mom?" I asked

"It's the medication.... Anyways.. did you get off with it yesterday?" She asked

"What?" I asked with a nervous smile.

"With kidnapping Alaric... did you get off with it?" She asked

"When did I kidnap him? And how do you know?" I asked

"Well I don't know that's why I'm asking... you came by here last night and you told me that you were going to kidnap him." She says

"Someone put something in my drink... or something because I don't remember anything from last night." I said

"So you don't remember when you came here and said you were going to marry Josie and.. when you told me all about her?" She asked

"I said that?" I asked

"Yes hope." My mom says as she went to sit on the bed thing.

"Do you remember what you said about her?" She asked

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