A Day in Xyrus Academy

Start from the beginning

"Alright," He pulled out his rectangular eyeglasses and wore them making his eyes sharp, "Thanks for the tip."

"No problem," I said as he went off and began running.

When I reached the entrance of the classroom from the corner of my eye I saw William reprimanding Kaspian, who gave me the 'why did you do this to me look.'

'Bye-bye.' I mouthed with a devious smirk on my face before returning to my cold exterior as I waved him to fare well.

I entered the first class of the day, and people were already sitting in their respective seats and chatting with each other. Their heads suddenly turned towards me as if time had frozen the moment they did. The noise died down as I took the first steps into the classroom, there were lots of murmurs about me-rumors, compliments, anything you can talk about that's directed to one person, I've heard it all.

Sometimes I just wish I was invisible, a being that doesn't exist to others.

I slumped on my desk and began spacing out about anything I can think of on the top of my head.

"Alright class, stand up!" The professor's voice immediately yanked my mind out of lucidity and I bolted upwards.

Accompanying him was Kaspian who was glaring at me the same way I did at him at the entrance of the campus.

I always hated the first class, due to my ice deviation I tend to get a little grumpy since my body is still mostly in sleep mode due to how cold my entire physique is. I'd rather be stuck in an artificial class right now, but even so, I'd still complain.

"I'm getting reprimanded in the office once my first two classes are done," Kaspian said as we sat down for the lecture.

"I was hoping that you would've been sent immediately,"

"You never cease to hurt me, you sadist."

"And you always seem to enjoy it, masochist."

|Three Hours Later|

"Alright, that concludes our discussion. We shall advance to our next lesson the day after, as we will review tomorrow." We all stood up from our seats with eyes brightening as lunch was only one smell away.

After professor Maulk dismissed us most of the class was dying to have their meals at the mess hall as it was one of the nearest rooms. I stood by the hallway and began to wait, soon enough I saw Daine waving at me amidst the crowd of students roaming in the halls.

"How was class?" She asked as she approached me with a bright smile.

"I did fine," I replied as we walked, "I always do."

"You know, I've been thinking about getting some new dresses this weekend." She said as we began to walk.

"Ah right, the banquet your parents are about to throw. I could help you with picking, but don't you already have a tailor?" I turned to her.

"Well, you are right, but it's more fun to walk around the markets and shops, especially when tagging along." She replied with a beaming smile.

"At least we have a plan now." I said, "Saturday?"

"Saturday." She confirmed.

We reached the mess hall which was bustling and filled with Xyrus' students. From the corner of my eye, I could see Bairon who was already sitting on one of the tables near the corner of the room, a spot where we would always go to and thus was reserved for only us.

"Once again, you're late." A stern voice called out, Bairon was already sitting in a row, alone and waiting for us.

"I'm glad you chose to wait for us."

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