The text.

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Should I text her? No... it's too soon isn't it? I mean it's been like a day I should say something right?


Alma has been daydreaming about Lauren ever since that day, about the conversation, about her smile, about how she thinks her smile is pretty... but is she... you know... into girls even?

Dude u should text her rn!! what r u waiting for?

Idk Gen I'm scared... what if she doesn't like me like that?

How would u know if  u don't keep talking to her? also she did say ur smile is pretty idk... seems like she is into u 

I mean yes, it could be but idk girls say that sometimes and it doesn't mean she likes girls. Maybe she's just being friendly 

I swear if I was there I would call her myself, gtg text u later ly

lov u

Alma was laying in bed  and kept wondering what to do. what if it was too soon to text her? but what if I don't text her and she thinks that I don't care? - she thought while walking in the room 

Okay I'll do it.

Hi! it's Alma. From the park the other day- wrote Alma.

As she press send she left the phone in her bed and run into the bathroom.

Okay, okay I shower and if she replies I'll see it after I'm done, okay...yeah. 

Alma got into the shower and as she was starting to wash her hair a notification came in. She run  to see her phone but it was just an email notification.

Fuck im so stupid

She went back into the shower. When she finished she checked her phone again.


She begin to dry her hair when she heard a sound on her phone. 

Hey! how r u? 

She kept drying her hair with the biggest smile on her face. 

Great!! and u? sorry I didn't text u earlier.... -she deleted that 

Great!! and u? 

Great great, hey I was wondering if u would like to grab some coffee someday?

Alma screamed a little.

Yeah! sure, idk many coffee places here tho, so I'm trusting u

hahaha okay I have a spot. What about tomorrow at 6? in the park 

sure that's perfect! see u

see u soul ;)

Alma laughed and blushed. She could not get Lauren out of her head.

Shit what am I gonna wear?

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