
The month passed in a blink of an eye. He spent all of his time with his brother trying to regain the lost time of the past years. Itachi was back on his feet healthier than he'd ever been. He suspected Tsunade had tried to heal some of his mental damage too but neither of them spoke of it. It was time for him to go. They had long conversations of what to do next. His brother wanted the peace that the solitude of the forest granted him. He would like to travel alone like a stranger among strangers. To taste the water of a lake in lands that had never heard his name. Itachi was a gentle soul that was moved by things more fragile than him. A small animal, a flower, a little brother.
He was never a people's person.
Sasuke was sure that the only other person except him whose company was a pleasure was Kakashi. He didn't know why but Itachi liked the silvered haired man.
And he was fond of her too. He saw it in the others man's eyes that he was curious about her.
He spoke to Hinata with true respect.
Sometimes when they interact he thought he saw an appreciation he had for Naruto for saving his little brother.
The words he has spoken the first time the three of them were in the same room still bugged him. But as with everything that he couldn't truly understand he pushed them at the back of his mind and never spoke of it.
Hinata was to escort him back the way she did when they came. But Sasuke insisted he should be the one to do it. Kakashi agreed for a two cell mission something that didn't please either of them.
She was working of a way out when her father informed her about the secret arrangements he was making in his travels. Hiashi was looking for suitors for her sister to strengthen her leadership.
She pictured Hanabi wearing a white dress and the hands of a stranger around her. What a repulsive idea. He had found one that was suit for the role and further the discussions. Hiashi was meant to visit them again so they would make the arrangements. The decision she took felt more right now. Her father was a good leader in the times of conflict and war but his line of thought didn't fit the future. He led the clan with an iron will ensuring their survival. But he couldn't hear the needs of every individual. They were not his concern. He didn't know that Miko couldn't work in the gardens anymore because of her back problems. He didn't know Kenji missed his daughter's birthday because he was supposed to serve in a meeting. He couldn't comprehend Hanabi's misery sharing a life with a man she didn't want if it meant her survival.
Meeting this man who in another life would marry her sister was her duty. She would go instead of her father and decline the offer. Neji proposed to form a proper team to accompany her but she refused. She didn't want to offend them more than they would. That was partly true. She really thought if she went with her people would be a provoke of power. She wanted to settle this in a moderate manner. It was also an opportunity to leave with Itachi without anyone raise questions about her whereabouts.
They hated the idea of her going along but she informed them she would go with a friend. Sasuke Uchiha. Here goes.
Neji was furious. He insisted that he should go with her. That she should stop bringing other people in the clan matters, that the Uchiha wouldn't protect her like he would. Hinata knew that he was hurt that she chose Sasuke instead of him but they was nothing to be done about it. In the middle of Neji's tantrum her father spoke.
"I think it's a fine choice."
His words left both of them speechless. Hinata was sure Hiashi would back up Neji. She expected him to disagree until the last minute.
"I would prefer if you went with a formal company but you have the ability to see things that I miss. If you say that meeting them yourself is more proper I trust you."
Hinata smiled at him. When he said he would support her he really meant it.
Neji was taken aback from his uncle agreement. How is he trusting his daughter with this man. He lost his temper once more until Hiashi spoke again.
"He put a knife in my throat."
"All the more reason not to trust him. He is unstable. You never know how he will behave and this is a delicate matter."
"Neji." Hiashi tone was serious. "He put a knife in my throat. Do you understand the meaning of this?"
Neji looked him dumbfounded.
"His place in this village isn't ensured. There are people watching him still, waiting for a mishap to throw him back to jail. He made a move against the leader of the most prestigious clan without caring. Do you know why? To keep his promise to my daughter. I respect that."
Her father's words had an impact. Neji relactuntly caved but she played them in her head many times after that.

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