Chapter 15

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After a couple of days had passed and George never forgot what he had done. The problem is, Dream is supposed to come back to school today. Though it was first period, it would be a little times away before George would be by him. George knew he would bring awkward conversation, George ran hundreds of different conversations through his mind. All of them seemed to end with George choking on his words.

They all seemed so real, George knew he would bring tension, a tension Dream would have no idea why it was there. George is pulled out of his mind by the bell ringing.

Great. A period closer to being by Dream.

George didn't know why he was overthinking things so much. It was unneeded.

But did George, he wasn't one to do anything "spicy". He barely touched himself he just thought it was wrong every time he even thought about it. It was embarrassing to him.

And for him to actually touch himself and enjoy it was big. With him imagined it was Dream was an even bigger thing though. In the end George knew that he would become awkward with Dream. But not only for the shower situation, but because of how hard George was falling for him...

It was time. After a few last periods before lunch, it was time to go to the trusty cafeteria. The place that had been missing a person for the last couple of days.


The bell. George picked up his stuff and made his way to the cafeteria. Once he opened the doors he saw everybody sitting down. Dream was there, seemingly catching up with the others.

George took the deepest breath he could imagine and sped walked his way to his seat. He plopped down and kept his head down as he went on his phone, ignoring the conversation the others were having.

George didn't want to take his eyes off his phone, but he knew he had to once he felt someone punching his shoulder. He moved his eyes to look at who it was while keeping his head down.

"Dude Clay is back, aren't you happy? I heard that you two have been getting quite close huh. What's up about that?" Of course it was Quackity. "Of course I'm happy he is back, I'm just not in the greatest mood, yeah..." George rolled his eyes, why couldn't Quackity take a hint of George wanting to be left alone for now.

"Oooo I bet you have a little crush on him huh?" Quackity said in a low, teasing voice. "No, of course I don't" George snapped back, defending himself. This only caught everyone else's attention.

"Don't what?" Karl asked curiosity. George was speechless though. No words were coming out. What lie does he say? Just as he was about to say something finally he looks over at Dream. As they lock eyes George completely forgot about the words he was going to say.

Dreams face softened into a toothy grin as he looked at George. The rest of the table looked at them like they were crazy. They probably did though, staring at each other with a huge smile on both of their faces now.

Sapnap cleared his throat. "Um so Dream what were you saying a moment ago?" Dream cut off the eye contact to start up his conversation with Sapnap again. Everybody else took a second, but everybody ended up getting into conversations again.

While nobody was looking George grabbed his stuff and slipped away.

  He pushed open the bathroom door, dropping his stuff onto the ground before stepping in front of the sink, washing his face.

  George looks at himself, water dripping down his face. He looks like a mess. Worry has gotten to him so much. Everything was happening so much in his life.

    George closed his eyes. God everything was happening fast, to fast for him to handle. George preferred to be nice and slow, to ask his time in life. But recently everything seems to be going fast paced.

George jumped up when he heard the bathroom door open. He looked through the mirror to see Dream smiling behind him.

George turned around and was met with Dream trapping him in tight arms. George stayed still, arms at his side as Dream hugged the life out of him.

"George I'm Back, didn't you miss me" Dream said in a teasingly way. George just half smiled and nodded. Trying to seem happy clearly didn't work. Dream caught on.

"George? What's the matter? Are you okay?" George looked down. "Umm, Yeah. I'm very excited that you are back don't worry" George had a real smile on his face though. He forgot about everything as he locked eyes with Dream again.

George looked down at Dreams lips, Dream looked at George lips. Neither of them wanted to make a move though. They didn't know what the other felt about them. George though remembered the situation they are in. George's feelings couldn't take this.

George opened the door and basically sprinted down the hall. God.

All through out the day every time George ran into Dream, he always found a way to get out of being by him. George knew he wouldn't be able to do this forever but he needed to do this, at least until he didn't feel awkward around Dream anymore.

The last bell of the day rung, as everyone rushed out out the classrooms George went a little slower to get out of any crowds. He was outside about to get onto his bus before he was starting to get pulled to the parking lot. A familiar door was opened for his as he climbed into the passenger seat.

The person got into the divers side, starting the car and pulling out. The drive was quiet.

"Are you avoiding me?" Dream asks. "No I'm not avoiding you, why would you think something of that?" George was clearly caught and was guilty by he kept the act on.

"Well, after the bathroom talk you seem to have been always running away once you see me coming" Dreams voice was starting to raise clearly getting frustrated.

"Drea-" George started "No George, What the Fuck. I miss a couple of days of school and you start acting all weird around me" Dream yelled

"Dream I'm just feeling uncomfortable, it's awkward alright?!" George yelled back, keeping the same volume Dream had.

"Your uncomfortable around me?, I didn't think I made you feel that way" Dream choked. He was clearly hurt based on what George said.

"Dream, no it's just... you don't understand right now" Dream scoffed, "No, I'm sorry I just made you feel that way" Dreams eyes locked forward, trying not to look at George.

The car went silent again. No music was playing, only leaving the driving of the car as noise. George saw that they were close to his house. He grabbed his stuff, as soon as Dream pulled into his driveway George jumped out the car. No goodbyes.

George fumbled with his keys, opening the door only seeing the blurry ness in his eyes. Tears building up.

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