46 What's the matter?

Start from the beginning

Arnav was stunned.

"Khushi, I don't know you are so overconfident, girl"

"I'm not overconfident"

"You are... what do you think? They will like this dress?"

"Who cares? I don't mind whether they like it or not"

"What if they criticize you?"

"They will do..."

"What will you do?"

"Let me be in India. You go and enjoy the program wearing your three-piece suit" she said chuckling.

"Do you want me to wear kurta in London?" he chortled.

"What if we organize a fashion show with Indian costume?"

Arnav became thoughtful.

"What do you think? Do you think, whether they like it?"

Arnav nodded yes.

"Let us check," he said

"How?" Khushi asked.

"We will appear on the stage with Indian costume this time. Let's see the output"

"WE?" Khushi asked shockingly.

"Of course, yes"

"Why can't we do that with top models?" Khushi asked nervously.

"Are you scared to get appeared on the stage?" Arnav asked.

"I can work alone no matter how hard the word is but on stage...! It always sucks" she sighed.

"Don't worry. I will be with you"

"Do you really want us to do this?"


"my hands will shiver..."

"Hold my hand..."

"My heart will run faster..."

"Look at only m, instead of the crowd"

Khushi sat on the bed gulping. Arnav sat next to her, circling her shoulders.

"Relax... we will get ready by practicing before going on the stage"

Khushi nodded ok.

"Good..." he dashed his head with hers lovingly.

Khushi smiled at him and leaned on his shoulder. Lifting her chin, Arnav pecked her nose. Palming his cheek, Khushi kissed his cheek making him smile. She gazed at him with a cute smile on her face. That made Arnav's smile broader. She drew a line from his forehead to chin. Arnav closed his eyes. She brushed his lips with hers. In no time, Arnav cuddled her in his arms and kissed her, picking her up from the bed. He made her sit on his lap while continuing the kiss. They left the packing half-finished and concentrated on one another. Keeping all their work aside, they intended to work on one another. Breaking the kiss, she caressed his cheek with hers. The inciting need was kindling every inch of his heart. He looked at her yearningly.

"Stop gawking at me. we have no time..." she said fiddling with his lower lip.

"For?" he ran his fingers in her hair.

"We have to get ready to go to London"

"We have time"


"For a passionate lovemaking" he kissed her neck, making her lay on the bed.

Khushi admired him, cupping his face.

"You are bewitching my mind by admiring me. Your eyes do something in me..." he kissed her eye.

She drew him close to her,

"This is what you are...? I thought you have a strong mental power that no one can shake"

"You have the ability to shake me from the root"

"I'm glad about it"

"I too glad because you are glad"

"Are you going to waste our time in unwanted talks?"

"My talks with you can never be unwanted"

"It can be... when the action wanted the most"

"You are unbelievable" he pecked her lips.

That's when his phone rang. Arnav rolled his eyes in irritation whereas Khushi was disappointed. Arnav took his mobile to put it on silent mode. His hand stopped, seeing his lawyer's name. He attended the call, sitting on the bed.

"Yes, Mr. Roy..."


"Whaaaaat?" he stood from the bed.

He looked at Khushi and smiled artificially. He walked to the poolside while listening to him.


"Is it true? How is it possible?" he asked in a low tone.




"Ok... we will handle it. Keep updating me"

Arnav disconnected the call and called Aman.

"Yes, ASR... are you ready for the London trip?"

"Cancel our tickets"


"Yup... we are not going to London"

"But why, ASR?"

"I will tell you in person. I'm coming to AR"


"I will be there in half an hour"


Arnav disconnected the call and turned around to only find Khushi with a shocking expression.

"We are not going to London" Saying that, he went to the cupboard and removed a dress to get change.

Khushi stood could not understand anything, glancing at their unfinished packing blankly.

To be continued... 

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