What's wrong with Numbuh 1?

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*What Moon Base looks like*

It had been a couple of days since that incident in her new room, and Numbuh 1 kept to his world not allowing Numbuh 4 and Numbuh 2 alone in the same room. He even somehow got Numbuh 4 classes changed so they would never be in the same class togather. Any missons they went on as well during that time was the same too.

"Stupid Numbuh 1 telling me what to do and who to hang around with." Muttered Numbuh 4 as she walked back to her room from her first day back at school and she hated it! For some reason the teachers and even her parents all thought she had always been a girl, the kids at school didn't understand what was going on an kept asking the rest KND and Wally about what happened, expect Nigel kept disappering when ever someone asked him. 

She also got into a fight with another kid, and she only got hit once before Nigel threw himself at the other kid, pounding on him. Nigel only got a scolding even thought he beat the other kid up, she got sent to the nurse's office and the other kid was in hug trouble for hitting a girl. Numbuh 1 then lecture her on not fighting other kids cause she'll hurt herself.

Halfway threw throwing her things onto the desk she stopped before running out of the room, banging on the door next door. "NUMBUH 1!!!!!" screamed Wally before she felt her fist hitting somthing, stopping and looking up she saw the boy looking very calm an not erittated at all. 

"Yes Numbuh 4 what is it?" Nigel asked looking at the girl infront of him, smiling like a goof. Pointing her fingre at him she screamed "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH NUMBUH 1 YOU FAKE!!!" He only stared at her before asking what, "You heard me Numbuh 1 tells me not to fight cause I might hurt myself, he says your acting highly responsable as a memeber of KND and stuff like that."

"It's true you been acting stranged since the Delightful Children hit Wally with that strange weapon." said Numbuh 3, as she turned around the corner of the tree house hallway holding a rainbow monkey close to her. The other memebers all stood behind her nodding their heads.

"What are you guys talking about I always treated her like this!" snapped Numbuh 1 before Numbuh 5 stepped forward slowly asking if Wally was being treated diffrent for somehow turning into a girl to save him (aka Nigel). "What are you talking about, Wally likes being called Wally and doing boy things but she never called herself a boy. I should know since I am her boyfriend!" Nigel finished saying/declaring before grabbing Wally's hand in his.

Nmbuh 4 was gasping in shook as did everyone else but thankfully Numbuh 5 snapped out of it and order everyone to get onto their ship to go to the Moonbase, Now. "Numbuh 5 you don't have t-" Nigel started to say untill the blond girl togged on his shoulder. "Numbuh 1 can we go to the Moon Base, I think I'm not feeling well." Wally said as she gave the boy the puppy dog eyes.

"Ok anything for you Wally. You most still be feeling sick from the last mission against those Delightful Dewwibes." said the boy before he started hugging her and all she could do was think 'I hope the KND operatives at headquartures know what's going on.'

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