camilo - where it all started (part 2)

Start from the beginning

He lifted up his head and nodded. "Sure, have you got some?"

"Yeah, I do." You answered. "Rule no. 1, hugging, holding hands, kissing, is allowed when we're in front of people, but off limits when it's just you and me."

He nodded at this, looking at you with a serious face.

"Rule no. 2, nicknames are NOT allowed."

He groaned and whined at this. "Come onnn, who doesn't love nicknames?"

"Me." You replied sternly.

"So not even hermosa?" He laid on his stomach and looked at you with a small smirk.

You shook your head, holding back a smile. "Nope."

"How about...mi amor?" He winked, shuffling closer to you.

You bit your tongue and didn't reply, which confirmed Camilo's suspicions.

"Aha!" He said triumphantly. "Mi amor it is then." He said, lowering his tone lowering suggestively.

You rolled your eyes but looked away to hide your blushing cheeks. "Rule no. 3, you're not allowed to fall in love with me or whatever."

He smiled. "What makes you think I'll be doing that?"

You shrugged. "I don't know! Just don't do it."

He nodded and leaned his head against your shoulder. "Fine, I won't fall in love with you."

~time skip~
You were currently walking through the streets of the busy town, bustling with people doing their chores on a Saturday morning. Camilo was next to you, chatting about his whole family so that your act would be believable.

However, just before he talked about his mother's likes and dislikes, you spotted Abuela among the sea of people.

You immediately threaded your fingers through Camilo's, and leaned your head on his shoulder briefly, looking at him with adoration in your eyes, praying that it looked relatively believable.

"Y-Y/N?" He spluttered, looking back at you with an unreadable expression. "What're you doing?"

"Your Abuela's walking towards us." You muttered under your breath.

He immediately caught on, and proceeded to smile brightly at you, keeping an eye on Abuela at the same time.

"Kiss me." You said.

He blinked. "I'm sorry?"

You sighed and pulled him in by the front of his shirt abruptly. He yelped and looked down at you nervously, his eyes flickering from yours to your lips, before looking back hurriedly.

"I said, kiss me." You repeated, pulling him in closer. His breath hitched in his throat, still unsure of what to do.

Growing impatient, you tugged him forwards and pulled him into a kiss, pulling back when you were sure that Abuela had seen.

You turned back around and linked your hands once more, acting like nothing had happened. He followed after a split second, and stared at you.

"What was that?" He asked, after a while.

You looked at him. "What was what?"

He gestured at the two of you with his hands. "...That!"

You smiled but kept walking. "You were the one who wanted us to seem like we were dating, no?"

He blushed. "Yes, but I hadn't expected it to be..." He halted, at a loss for words. "Fast?"

You stopped, looking at him straight in the eyes. "Do you want this to be believable or not, Camilo?"

"Of course I do." He replied.

You continued. "And we've known each other for a long time, have we not?"

He nodded.

You leaned forwards. "Then you're going to have to trust me."

He nodded again. "Got it. I trust you, Y/N."

You smiled. "Good."

~time skip~
A few weeks had passed, and you and Camilo had fallen into a natural rhythm of your fake relationship. However, these past few days, the line between real and fake was blurring.

The other day, you gave him a kiss goodbye as you left, not realising that there was no one around to see it.

He blushed and looked at you in shock. You froze, realising what you had done and looked back at him, unsure of what to do next.

"Sorry." You mumbled, taking a step towards the door hesitantly. You rested your hand on the doorknob, looking at him for any signs of emotion.

He gave you a small smile, shrugging it off. "It's okay, don't worry about it."

You were currently running errands, and you had allowed Camilo to tag along as he had nothing better to do.

"Bye Y/N! Thanks again!" Your neighbour smiled as you handed her the last basket of groceries. You waved as she closed the door and turned back to Camilo.

"I know it's getting a bit dark." You gestured to the setting sun. "But do you want to go to the bridge? Look at the view or whatever?"

He smiled. "I would love that."

As you arrived at the small stone bridge over the river, the sun was barely above the horizon, the light peaking through the branches of the trees in the distance.

You rested your forearms on the side of the bridge, looking out at the view. You could feel Camilo move next to you, copying your position.

"I love sunsets." You said suddenly.

He nodded. "They're beautiful."

"There's just something about them that makes me feel like everything's okay," You continued. "Like all the problems in the world just magically disappear."

When he didn't reply, you turned your head to look at him. "Please tell me it's not just me who thinks that."

He laughed and shook his head. "No you're right, they ARE beautiful."

"So why aren't you looking at it?" You grinned.

"Because why would I look at a sunset when I've got you?" He smiled, a strand of his curly hair falling over his eyes..

You blinked. "I'm sorry?"

He laughed, and took both of your hands in his. "I've wanted to say that for ages, but it's true. At first, everything was fake, and I thought that I would be fine with it, but everything that I feel now, is unbelievably, ridiculously real."

He shifted, crossing one leg over the other. "I know that this might be sudden, and you're not being pressured into giving me an answer straight away. But I still have to ask, Y/N, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

You didn't say anything, but felt your lips slowly forming a smile. These past few weeks, the blurring between the lines, it all made sense. You knew you felt the same.

"Yes." You smiled. "Yes I would."

Camilo smiled widely, and pulled you in for a hug. You rested your chin on his shoulder, smiling so much your cheeks hurt. He pulled away and gently
pecked your lips.

"I know I promised to not 'fall in love with you', but, I'm not sorry, mi amor." He winked.

You grinned, turned back to the sunset, leaning your head sideways into his shoulder. Camilo wrapped one hand around your waist, gently bringing you closer to him. And together, you watched the sun dip below the horizon.
word count: 1771 💛

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