Eddie/Narrator "Stalker's Tango"

Start from the beginning

"Where are you going?" I asked

He slammed the door behind him, leaving me in silence to think about how this was going down.

"Well... this isn't going as I had hoped."

A couple of hours later...

Eddie eventually came back, soaked in sweat from the hot Texas sun and panting like a dog.

"You were gone so long. What'd you do?" I asked

Eddie was silent as he closed the door and locked it, not saying a single word to him as I had my back to him.

"Finally..." Eddie started

I had just started to turn around when Eddie punched me in the gut. Being a slightly tougher guy compared to him, I just staggered back and caught the next swing he threw at me. He looked angry and like he was wanted to kill somebody.

"Woah calm down dude. You need to-"

As quick as a flash, Eddie kicked my leg and spun me around so my body was pressed against the wall, pinning me with my hands behind my back. I could only give a smug smile as he tied something around my wrists.

"You knew she was going to... she told you didn't she?"

I didn't give him an answer. Of course he was right. I didn't tell him since I didn't want to be the one who broke his heart.

"Answer the damn question!"

I turned my head to face him as far as I could.

"I did. So what?"

He grabbed my arm and threw me back, causing me to trip on his leg and fall on my back. He stood over me with a large rope covered in red liquid and a white cloth.

"So..." he started
"So what?" I sassed

He kneeled down, pressing a knee against my chest and staring straight at my face. His face was red with rage.

"Then now it's just you and me."

He grabbed my shirt collar and yanked my neck up to his face, just barely a few inches away from his.

"Mi Amor... you're red." He growled
"Eddie what the fuck?"
"What? Isn't this what you wanted?"
"Yes! I mean- NO! I-"

He let my collar go, letting me lean back against the cold tile floor.

"Now what should I do about... this?"

He reached into a jean pocket and pulled out a ring, the same one he gave Gabby all those months ago. He then threw it over his shoulder and reached back in the same pocket. Seconds later he pulled out a chain with a dog tag on it.

"Now you're my little bitch."

(Yes I quoted Cas from SPN fight me)

He forcefully pushed my neck down, almost choking me as he forced the chain on my head and down to my neck. A warm liquid brushed against my face as I closed my eyes while Eddie choked me. I opened my eyes seconds later to see blood staining Eddie's hands and bottom of his shoes. In his hand he held a knife and pressed to my neck.

"Ah ah ah! Don't move Mi amado. This'll hurt more than it did for Gabby."

Now starting to panic over what he was going to do, I tried to squirm away from his grasp.

"Narrador~ Why are you resisting? I thought you liked me. I killed Gabby after she dumped me so I could be with you. I hate being lonely."

I will not lie, I was heavily turned on by Eddie acting like a deranged Yandere boyfriend... and I don't know if that's a bad thing or a good thing.

"You didn't have to kill her Eddie." I stated

Eddie moved his leg so he could straddle my waist, staring down at me as I was helpless to move. He managed to hold me down long enough to tie my legs as well.

"True... but that's not as fun. Besides I know you were going to anyways~"

I stared at him, the fear now starting to show as he pretty much exposed what I had been thinking for the last year.

"Oh well... you can let me go and we can pretend this never happened!"

He slid a finger across the knife, looking at it in deep thought.

"Nah... I think I'll just keep you here a little longer my pet~"

"Damn now I wish I had killed her when I had the chance..."

The end!

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