2 english version

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Since my friend wanted to read it, here it is (Take your time)

- Hyunjin stop it!

That spirit would have made me lose my mind one of these days. Could I have endured it for two months? Hwang Hyunjin. The "monster under the bed" that all kids fear. Apparently I had the misfortune of being able to see it, hear it and, when it allows me, touch. Hwang Hyunjin introduced himself like this. The "essence" of a corpse. Basically a ghost. Those spirits impose so many rules that there are no exceptions. A spirit cannot lie. A spirit cannot be touched against his will with the knowledge that it can be seen. A spirit no longer has any value after separation from its body. And worst of all. Each spirit can be seen by a single person who will be completely random, the first to see it with the eye; we cannot speak of these incorporeal but alive creatures.

- What's the problem girl?

- I told you a hundred times, don't enter in my bathroom when I am inside!

- Really? I slipped inside your bedroom wall and ended up here by mistake

- Do I have to remind you how we met?

A little accident inside a public bathroom. Yes. A skill he uses far too often, I must say. What does a guy want from me who, when he asks me to give him a glass, becomes a simple cloud when I pass it to him? The glass shatters and I can no longer use it. The stupid one.

- We're on a mission today, kid

- Hyunjin, I have a name, you know?

- Sure little girl

- What mission? I didn't think I had to find treasures for you

And here I was wrong. I had to find a person, someone who was on the other side of the world. I looked for my laptop and went to check the price of the flights: a thousand euros for a single person was the cheapest flight. I considered getting into someone's luggage, but realized it was going to end badly. I told him about it, economically I'm a booger and he knows very well. I should work a minimum of three months with the pay I get.

- Listen Hyunjin. I can't afford a flight to Korea, do you understand?

- Who said you have to pay it?

He took an envelope from his hypothetical pocket and threw it on my hands. Had he stolen it? The content was money. Much money. Too much.

- Who did you steal them from mafia

- Little girl ... I have my manners. Ask no questions and go pack your suitcase!

- I'm in the Hyunjin toilet! GO OUT!

What a weird guy. Should I call him boy? Later I'll ask him a question or two about the dude we're looking for and why he wants to find him. To say that this moves my life is exaggerated. I could have slept peacefully on the couch or watched Drama all day crying. But no! I had to go out shopping with Mom and I forgot to use the bathroom before I left the house. But if this is destiny... destiny remains.

Hyunjin is a particular type, both in appearance and in character. The first time I risked a heart attack. Put yourself in my shoes, a semitransparent type of tick in front, shattered half of the face covered with all sorts of stains caused by a straight blow under the left eye. Needless to say, I was about to give part of my body to the world in a more liquid form than normal. He popped up in front of me and greeted me, in an attempt to put his hand on my shoulder, he pierced it and I tried one of the most horrid experiences of my life.

Was he taking my heart away? I have no idea but I'm sure I have lost a few key moments in my life. My neighbor considers me a lost case, when I yell at him, I try to push him away and make him stop talking. In front of me I have a real person in appearance, but for the others it is all a void. Air, words thrown to the wind. What suffering umh? Then, due to the fact that it is on the bans, who should I talk to? The Spaniards from the front building? They wouldn't understand anything actually ...

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