"Naw, I still think it's the baby." Camacazi waved her hand, sitting down at the kitchen table to attack her long mane of hair- that she still maintained a chalky black color- with a brush. It was like watching someone wrestle with a tiger, and the sounds she made confirmed the image. Still Elsa bust out laughing; never before had she a friend so utterly silly and fun and not her sister (She loved Anna, but Anna was still a sister, a forced friend from the beginning). Anna would never swear in front of small children, nor be so bold and sarcastic as Camacazi was. To think that in a different world, perhaps Hiccup would be the father of her child.

But they would kill each other before they even got to sleeping together, so it was more of a wistful though on Helga's side. Camcazi gave a literal shudder everytime she imagined it.

And, she thought, had she arrived with Hiccup already been the one to make Camcazi pregnant, she could have lived with that. She wouldn't have felt anything, wouldn't have felt guilty, and would have probably still became friends with the Bog Burglar for it was clear that Hiccup had no intention to pursue Camacazi or vice-versa. But the idea of that happening now filled Elsa with a storm of protectiveness. Hiccup was hers. The idea of him with anyone else would simply not do.

"Breakfast?" Valka asked, and Elsa turned, her fingers playing with her loose strands of hair.

"I'm so nervous, I don't think I can eat." Elsa admitted.

"I can." Camacazi said, sitting down, "Give me two plates of your best stuff, ma'am." She said, and Valka sighed. She set down her wooden spoon.

"Elsa, would you go and get Ophelia? She was supposed to be up, by Odin it's past sun-high already!" She said, peering out the window.

"Of course." Ophelia said, going up to the loft to what used to be Hiccup's bedroom. She noticed since she'd first slept in here, he had evidently gone and gutted out what he needed, leaving only sparse furniture- the table, the bed, and the chair.

Ophelia was already up, staring out the window with Hubert on her shoulder.

"Ophelia, put Hubert on the floor. He's going to get your nice dress all dirty." Elsa said, picking up the little dragon. He spat a cloud of warm air; seeming to have a mini-panic attack the moment that Elsa took him off of her niece's shoulder. Ophelia absently reached down to pet his head and calm him down, but didn't turn.

She looked up finally, her deep brown eyes glimmering with sadness. "I remember mom talking with dad about your wedding, long time ago. She was so excited for it, before you had anyone." Ophelia said, "She wanted to be with you."

Elsa sighed, crouching down to be at Ophelia's level, "I wish she was here too. She would have taken everything over and made it perfect."

"Just like she said you made her wedding perfect." Ophelia said, giving a small smile.

"Her wedding was far from perfect," Elsa sighed with a roll of her eyes, sighing in the memory. Someone had gotten a little too drunk and knocked over the chocolate fountain that Elsa had set up, Sven had accidentally got a little too excited to be inside (per Anna's instance on Kristoff's behalf) and he'd torn the trail of her gown, and one of the servants had let the doves go way before they'd said their vows, and one of the doves had smashed into the stained glass, unable to find it's way to the open window. Hardly perfect.

"Mom says it was perfect." Ophelia said, shaking her head, "She told me a lot."

Elsa smiled; she was sure her sister had said it was perfect for her daughter's benefit, not because it actually was. Reguardless, she sighed.

"Come down and eat, dear. We're going to be leaving soon." Elsa said, and to urge her to come, grabbed Huburt. He still looked quite unsettled at being touched by anyone but Ophelia.

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