"Okay, so I might be an okay ruler." Camacazi agreed, running her fingernails through the ruts in the table, "But how do they expect me do go through with this? With him?"

"Same way the expect everyone to do it." Hiccup said. He wasn't gong to give her false hope and tell her that Elsa was looking for a way out of it, because there was not enough time for her, and Elsa's plea might not even make it past a plea. Therefore, although it hurt, he told her what he'd told everyone else that had come crying to him previously.

"But what if he's horrible, not in bed, but to me? What if it hurts more than it should? What if I regret that the child is his?" She began to hyperventilate, and Elsa grabbed both of her shoulders.

"We picked Jari because he is a kind man, a good man." She reminded her friend, "He will not hurt you, but will revere you. We both know that. Right, Hiccup? Jari wouldn't hurt her."

Both girls' eyes flashed toward him. One pleading, one threatening. Since he wasn't helping much else, he nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, Jari's nice. Good choice. Good job." He mumbled, trying to sound supportive, and Camacazi now just looked…small. She was almost crunched up, sitting beside them on that stool, her fragility and unusually slim body highlighted by a clear worried shake.

He hoped Elsa would not be so…heartbreaking to look at on their wedding day. Somehow, he couldn't imagine Elsa so venerable. Then again, that was a word that he would have never associated with Camacazi either.

Until Camacazi calmed down, Elsa pretty much did all the talking. Soon she was sufficiently back to the Camacazi he knew; harsh words, biting attitude, and rough jokes. He heard Toothless barking from the back and took his leave.

"I'm going to go and rescue the girls and apologize profusely to Toothless." He announced, and the girls made little to no sound at his exit.

Camacazi sipped some milk now, a sign of her calmness, and eyed Elsa's gloves. The way she picked at the fingertips, rubbed them together, moved her fingers through the fabric, and she knew.

"So…I'm guessing Hiccup doesn't know…" She said. Elsa didn't pause her movements around the glove.

"Know what?" She asked casually, thinking of completely innocent ideas. Not that Camacazi could possibly know about her powers.

"That you have some sort of magic powers." Camacazi said just as nonchalantly. Elsa had gotten rather good over her ears of hiding things, so she only let a glimmer of fear shine for a millisecond.

"Don't be absurd." She had stopped playing with her hands, "Magic powers? Sure, there's dragons, but I'm just Elsa the Non Viking, remember?"

"The Non Viking with powers." Camacazi added, and Elsa gave a light-hearted laugh.

"Really, powers?" She made a face and shook her head.

"You're good," Camacazi said, "Almost too good, and that's your problem. Now, you don't have to lie to me. I saw you doing something. Fire, water, earth, air…I'm not sure. And for the longest time I could not figure it out, I thought I was delirious. But now I see the way you use your hands, and I'm positive. I've only seen one other person do that, fire, and it was just a guy passing through." She added.

Elsa stared at her for a long time. She was sure her silence had already convinced Camacazi, yet she wanted to be careful, as always. Finally, she realized out of everyone on this group of islands, she could trust Camacazi. Even more so than Hiccup.

"Fine, yes." She sighed wearily, and she quickly checked around. She took off one glove and made a snowflake dance over her palm. Camacazi's eyes widened like a child, and she gasped.

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